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Tri HC | No grievance for non-selection; Court finds criteria fixed by ONGC clear and categorical 

Tripura High Court: Indrajit Mahanty, CJ. dismissed a petition which was filed by the petitioner who was appointed as Junior Security Supervisor at (A-1 Level) in the category of Scheduled Tribe and had appeared for the computer-based test and physical standard test conducted by the ONGC. It was alleged that in the selection process the petitioner was awarded 72 marks but was not selected whereas the candidate (respondent 3) who got only 66.10 marks was wrongly and illegally selected by the respondent 2.

ONGC had filed the reply and in the said reply they placed reliance on the selection criteria fixed in the advertisement.

Court is of the considered view that the eligibility criteria fixed by the respondent No.2 was clear and categoric and it was clear that the marks obtained by a candidate in the CBT written examination would constitute 85% of the marks for consideration and the marks obtained in the qualifying examination would constitute 15% of the marks, therefore, totaling 100%. Resultantly, although respondent 3 had received 66.10 marks in CBT written examination, he received higher marks i.e. 10 marks due to the qualifying examination and the petitioner received 5 marks on account of having obtained 44% marks in his Class-XII examination.

The Court was of the view that petitioner can have no grievance for his non-selection especially since there was only one post for Scheduled Tribe and the respondent 3 in total obtained higher total marks than the petitioner.[Moon Raj Bahadur v. ONGC,  2021 SCC OnLine Tri 654, decided on 01-12-2021]

Suchita Shukla, Editorial Assistant has reported this brief.

For Petitioner(s) : Mr R.G. Chakraborty

For Respondent(s) : Mr T.D. Majumder, Sr. Adv., Mr Soumen Saha and Mr Tapash Halam

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