ILS Pune | Remembering S P Sathe 16th International Conference on Politico-Legal Dimensions of Climate Change: Past, Present, and Future [April 8-9, 2022]

ABOUT INDIAN LAW SOCIETY, PUNE The year 2022 marks an illustrious milestone in the journey of 100 glorious years of excellence in


The year 2022 marks an illustrious milestone in the journey of 100 glorious years of excellence in legal education by the Indian Law Society. It was established as a Public Charitable Trust registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 in 1923. It is a non-profit organization established with the sole purpose of imparting legal education.

Realizing the importance of rule of law in the upcoming democratic India, role of law in a civil society, and that the ultimate end of education is creation of a just social order for eternal happiness, those visionaries established the Indian Law Society and the Law College, Poona (now ILS Law College, Pune) in 1924 with a well-focused agenda to impart socially relevant and, professionally desired quality legal education on scientific basis as ‘Justice Education’.



Establishment of the Law College in 1924 by the Indian Law Society was indeed a breakthrough in Indian Legal Education. Despite being one of the oldest law schools in India, ILS has continued to play a pioneering role in legal education and scholarship. With its illustrious history and heritage, the institution has contributed immensely to the growth of the legal profession and has upheld its tradition of producing meritorious legal scholars who dedicate themselves to public service and reform.

The generations of distinguished legal luminaries who have been nurtured by this unique institution have made seminal contributions globally to the evolution of the esteemed field of Law.

The  college counts three Chief Justices of the Supreme Court, Justice P. B. Gajendragadkar, Justice Y. V. Chandrachud, Justice E. S. Venkataramaiah; Former Governor of Maharashtra K. M. Reddy, Former Defence & Finance Minister and First Chief Minister of Maharashtra Y. B. Chavan, Former Minister of Commerce, Mohan Dharia, Former Chief Ministers of Maharashtra, Sushil Kumar Shinde and Vilasrao Deshmukh, amongst a few of the eminent alumni of ILS Law College.



Professor Satyaranjan Purushottam Sathe was a distinguished legal luminary and a renowned academician in the judicial universe of India. He held various positions in Universities and Law Institutes of repute. He had a long association with the Indian Law Society and served as the Principal of ILS Law College from 1976 to 1991. He was also the Secretary of the Indian Law Society until 2002. He was the Founder Director of the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies. He was also the President of the Maharashtra People’s Union for Civil Liberties, and a Vice President of the National PUCL.

Known for his humility, Professor Sathe endeared himself to his colleagues and students alike. His commitment to Rights and Liberties of the people was deep and abiding. Professor S. P. Sathe Foundation, set up by the Indian Law Society, organizes “Remembering S.P. Sathe” event that consists of Public memorial lecture, Moot Court Competition, and Conference at ILS Law College, Pune on a specific theme with a view to commemorate his contribution to Indian Jurisprudence and Social Action and to encourage academic pursuit of law students.



Climate change has emerged over the last few decades as the ‘defining human development challenge of 21st Century

The legal journey of balancing the responsibility for climate change is one fraught with many hurdles. The diversity between the climate change contributors and the climate change vulnerables and their conflicting interests have delayed the global response to climate change, taking us to the brink of disaster.

Through this conference, we take the opportunity to shed light on this issue and come up with a policy that can be applied to address climate change at the local level and may later serve as a blueprint for different regions and stakeholders.

In COP26, UN Climate Change Conference, 2021, the world has witnessed debate over issues like the extent of the adverse impacts of Climate Change and measures to overcome them. In furtherance of the same, we take the opportunity to shed light on this issue and come up with a policy that can be applied to address climate change at the local level, and may later serve as a blueprint for different regions and stakeholders. Through this conference we aim to contribute to the legislative measures to curb climate change at local and global level.



The list of sub-themes is only indicative, not exhaustive.

  • Climate Change, Rising Sea Levels, and their consequences for Statehood and State Territory
  • The Interface of Climate Change with Right to Development of Third World Countries
  • Developed Countries and the Principle of CBDR and Respective Capabilities
  • Vulnerable Groups and Adaptation to Climate Change
  • North-South and South-South Cooperation for Addressing Climate Change
  • Climate Change and its Consequences for Geo-Politics



Academicians, legal practitioners, research scholars, law students, Environmentalists, Activists and others may participate in the Conference.



Every person interested to participate in the conference must register by paying the registration fees. In the case of co-authors (maximum 2), each author would have to register and pay separately.

To know more about the conference and schedule, click here.

To Register and Pay, Click here.

Last Date of Registration:  April 07, 2022

Every person interested to participate in the conference must register by paying the registration fees.

The registration fee is as follows: –

Participant With Paper Presentation Without Paper presentation
ILS Students (including GST) INR  500 INR 200
Indian Students and Ph.D. Scholars

(including GST)

INR 500 INR 300
Indian Academicians/ Professionals/ Practitioners (including GST) INR 1000 INR 300
International Students and Ph.D. Scholars (excluding bank transaction charges) USD 20 USD 10
International Academicians/ Professionals/ Practitioners (excluding bank transaction charges) USD 25 USD 10

Chief Conveners

  • Vaijayanti Joshi, Director (Academics & Administration), ILS Law College and Hon. Secretary, Indian Law Society
  • Sanjay Jain, Professor, Additional Charge, Principal, ILS Law College

Faculty Coordinators

  • Suvarna Nilakh, Assistant Professor
  • Varsha Khandagale, Assistant Professor
  • Divya Mittal, Assistant Professor
  • Vindhya Gupta, Assistant Professor

Student Coordinators:

  • Sneha Kulkarni : +91 8459418031
  • Chirayu Rushiya: +91 8087683438

Email for correspondence –

Our Collaborators

  • Earth Refuge
  • The World Youth for Climate Justice
  • The Indian Network on Ethics & Climate Change (INECC)
  • Environment Law and Development Foundation (ELDF)

Knowledge Partners

  • EBC
  • SCC Online

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