“Women and children who are homeless experience particular forms of violence or are more vulnerable to them. The lack of access to medical services for homeless women, owing to their status, has a disproportionate impact, particularly during pregnancy and childbirth. Many homeless children and women suffer from severe malnutrition.”
—UN General Assembly, Human Rights Council A/HRC/34/51/Add.1(2017)
Homelessness is a profound assault on dignity, social inclusion, and the right to life. A home is not just a physical structure like a shelter to protect one from extreme weather conditions and provide comfort- but it also has legal and social dimensions. A home provides identity, a sense of belonging and emotional well-being. Homelessness is the most isolating, destructive, and often violent experience and the homeless are the most vulnerable and excluded section of our society. Amongst this vulnerable group, homeless women and children are even more vulnerable and juxtaposed to multiple risk factors of staying on the streets. Acknowledging the complexity and urgency of the issue at hand, research papers are invited from stakeholders working in the field of ensuring the rights of women and children.
Suggested Themes:
- Violence against homeless street women and children
- Constitutional rights of homeless women and children
- Role of Judiciary in ensuring the right to adequate and affordable shelters
- International human rights laws for homeless women and children
- Right to the adequate shelter of homeless and destitute: a human right perspective
- Affordable healthcare for the urban poor
- Impact of Covid- 19 on the street women and children
- Pandemic, social distancing, and adequate shelter
- Social welfare schemes and policies for homeless women and children
- Migrant women and children: Do they have adequate spaces to dwell in safety.
- Orphaned children and their need for safe and adequate shelter
- Violence, homelessness, and gender
NOTE: The list of sub-themes is not exhaustive and the participants can choose a topic of their own will for the paper in conformity with the theme of the seminar.
Research papers are invited from Academicians, Regulators, Policy Makers, Research Scholars, NGOs, Students across different disciplines, and other stakeholders working in the field of ensuring the rights of Women and Children with regard to the mentioned themes and objectives of this very seminar.
Submission Guidelines:-
- Co-authorship is permissible (subject to an upper limit of 2 Authors per submission).
- The main Author and/or presenting Author shall register separately.
Research Paper:-
- Every paper must contain an abstract not exceeding 300 words.
- The maximum word limit of the paper must not exceed 6000 words inclusive of footnotes.
- The Paper must be accompanied by a cover letter which shall include the details:
- Title of the paper
- Full name(s) of the Author(s)
- Institution/Organization/University
- Professional/Educational Details
- Email address(es) and Contact Number (s)
- The Paper should be in .doc/.docx formats in Times New Roman font, font size 12 with 1.5 spacing.
- Footnotes should be in Times New Roman, the font size 10 with 1.0 line spacing. Endnotes are not allowed.
- Alignment -Justified, no page borders, Margin 1 inch on each side.
- The writings must conform to the “Indian Law Institute, Rules of Footnoting”. Authors may visit the freely accessible website of the Indian Law Institute –
- The manuscripts must be sent in MS Word format (.doc/.docx.).
- All submissions should be the original work of the author, and should not have been submitted for publication/published elsewhere in any form.
- Any form of plagiarism will lead to disqualification for publication in the Review. Similarity should not be more than 10%, excluding footnotes.
Important Dates:-
Last date for Registration and Abstract Submission – 19th June 2022
Intimation of Selected Abstracts – 1st July 2022
Last date for Submission of Fees – 10th July 2022
Last date for Submission of Paper – 17th July 2022
Confirmation of Selected Papers – 21st July 2022
Dates of Seminar – 23rd July 2022
Registration Procedure:-
Step 1:
- The Participants are required to fill the Registration Form and Abstract of the paper.
- Each Participant should register individually.
- After the selection of the abstract, the participants are required to Submit the fees.
Step 2:
- The Participants are required to submit the Paper at sheltersforpoor@gmail.com. The subject of the e-mail should be ‘Submission for National Seminar’.
- The authors of the accepted papers shall be notified via mail regarding the details of the seminar.
Registration Fee:-
The Participants are required to submit a fee of Rs. 500 per paper after selection of abstract. The mode of payment shall be notified to the participants via e-mail.
All the participants shall receive an E-Certificate and the top 3 papers would be given Cash Prizes.
First Prize: Rs. 3000/-
Second Prize: Rs. 2500/-
Third Prize: Rs.1500/-
For any further queries:-
E-mail us at: sheltersforpoor@gmail.com ;
Contact us: Dr. Anita Yadav (+91-7905644026)
Ayush Rai (+91- 8874449603)
Vanshika Mittal (+91- 9650666505)