HPNLU | Two-week Capacity Building Programme

Reported by Khushbu Sood

Himachal Pradesh National Law University (HPNLU), Shimla India which is a National Law University in India offering Under- Graduate, Post Graduate and Doctoral programmes in the areas of learning in law, development in students, understanding about the law and legal systems, topographies of law-making, legal practice and administration. The university engages in academic, research, consultancy and outreach activities. It organizes national and international events periodically for knowledge exchange, dissemination as well as networking for the young students.

Advanced studies and research in Comparative Public Law is intended to learn from the kind of legal solutions to resolve similar problems devised by different laws and legal systems of the world. Comparative investigations into law and legal philosophy enable us to abate national prejudices in respect of both making or unmaking law and administration of justice. In the age of globalization, comparative law and legal philosophy impart to legal institutions and judicial processes a cosmopolitan sensibility. It is noteworthy that Indian courts cite invariably legal materials from legal systems all over the world. This helps in formulating jurisprudential discourse that brings better possible alternatives to the existing system.

In view of this trend of comparative studies and the process of learning and unlearning by legal institutions of different countries, Centres of academic research and excellence in higher education play a crucial role. Such Centers of excellence can offer immense opportunities to re-examine the compatibilities of existing laws and fundamental legal categories to the indigenous socio-cultural milieus and facts. In the way in which, these studies about the compatibilities lead to an appreciation of deficiencies, it may also offer insights for developing an alternative way of theorising law and justice.


There is NO REGISTRATION FEE for this Capacity Building Programme. The CBP is being organised in association with the Indian Council for Social Science Research, New Delhi.

Who may participate?
The participants should be Professor/ Associate Professor/Assistant Professor or Research Associates/ Ph.D. Scholar in a UGC recognized university/ deemed university/ colleges/
institutes of national importance and ICSSR Research Institutes.
Their application should be duly forwarded by the parent institution.

Important Dates
Opening of the CBP for Registration – 20.05.2022
Last Date of Registration – 20.06.2022
Intimation of Acceptance – 30.06.2022
Conducting the CBP – 16-29 July, 2022

Rules for Registration –
Interested candidates should fulfil the following criteria for participating in the CBP. There is no registration fee for the CBP AND the organizers shall provide food lodging for all participants.

Criteria for Registration:
1. The minimum qualification for participation is post-graduate in law/ social sciences/ literature & etc.
The following are eligible for participating –
a. Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor
b. Ph.D. Scholars, only teaching – part-time, full-time, or visiting faculty
c. Research or Teaching Associates

2. Each participant should submit one manuscript related to the broad areas of public law, published or unpublished.
The manuscript or published paper should be well researched evidence-based paper.

3. Manuscripts shall be assessed by a Committee established in this regard and on the basis of the scrutiny, registration maybe accepted or rejected. The decision of the Committee shall be final.
4. All submissions shall be assessed on the following criteria (Assessment Criteria Marks Plagiarism (Maximum Permissible Limit 10% – Papers exceeding the maximum plagiarism limit shall be marked zero and shall not be processed further) 5
Originality of thought and idea 10
Language and Coherence 5
Contemporary Relevance 5
Total 25
5. Provisional acceptance maybe granted after positive review of the manuscripts and fulfilment of other criteria.
6. Participation in the CBP is free of cost, including food, lodging, and visit to the cultural and historical places in and around Shimla as part of the programme as prescribed in the schedule. However, no TA/ DA (to/from the residence/office of the participant to HPNLU, Shimla) shall be admissible.
7. Interested candidates will have to submit a No Objection Certificate/ Letter of Relieving duly signed by the concerned authority on behalf of the institution in which the candidate is working.
8. Non-submission of the No Objection Certificate/ Letter of Relieving within 15 days of receipt of provisional acceptance will automatically cancel the provisional acceptance of registration. Condonation of delay will be accepted in exceptional circumstances stating cogent reasons, subject to approval of the Director, CBP.
9. Participants shall be intimated about their acceptance of registration through the online medium.
For more details, refer FLYER- CBP CCPL

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