NLU Delhi | Centre for Transnational Commercial Law invites applications for admission into Diploma in Insolvency and Bankruptcy: Law, Practice, Regulations

Reported by Chiranjeev Singh Marwah

NLU Delhi

The Centre for Transnational Commercial Law (CTCL) invites applications for its flagship Diploma Course on “Insolvency and Bankruptcy: Law and Practice” (DIB). This course aims to introduce legal and secretarial practitioners and academicians to the insolvency laws in India as conceptualized within the larger family of commercial laws. The last date to apply has been extended till August 1, 2022 (11:59 pm IST). The duration of the post graduate diploma is from August 2022 to July 2023 (12 months).

Professor M. S. Sahoo, Former Chairperson, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India, Distinguished Professor, National Law University Delhi, serves as the mentor for the course and Dr. Risham Garg, Associate Professor of Law, Director, Centre for Transnational Commercial Law, National Law University Delhi is the director of the course.

The course is beneficial for not only students and academicians but also professionals and stakeholders working in the areas of tax, revenue and law.

The interested candidates may apply to the course through the following process:

(i) payment of fees at online Payment Link:  HERE

(ii) fill up registration form at the online link along with payment details: HERE

(iii) email screenshot/proof of fee/receipt to


More information can be found in the brochure HERE  and on the NLU Delhi official website: HERE .

The course focuses on juxtaposition of the legal principles and propositions within the realm of entrepreneurship followed with development of a cumulative and comprehensive understanding of insolvency laws in the context of entrepreneurship. The course also aims to acquaint and equip the participants with the practical skills relevant to insolvency laws in Indian courts along with the requisite negotiation and problem-solving skills.The course aims to facilitate the participants with an in-depth understanding and hands-on approach in relation to the legal and practical aspects of insolvency and bankruptcy. The course has the following as its learning outcomes:

  • It aims to discuss clear, coherent and speedy process for early identification of financial distress and resolution.
  • It seeks to impart skills required to practice insolvency law with effective draftings & pleadings and negotiations with parties by providing a comprehensive and holistic outlook.
  • It will encourage the participants to engage in critical scholarship on issues of law and policy.
  • It will inculcate sound understanding of best practices in the fields of legal and professional ethics


The course shall employ flipped learning pedagogy involving the 5-quadrant approach with live lectures, discussion forum or asynchronous mentoring, recorded audio and video, e-learning material and self-study hours including assessment. Majority of lectures shall be delivered by leading industry practitioners.

Media Contact:

Sania Ashraf

Communications Officer


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