US- Minnesota legalises usage of Edible cannabinoid products

The Governor of Minnesota has assented to the bill based on sale of certain Cannabinoid Products under Section 151.72., making it a

The Governor of Minnesota has assented to the bill based on sale of certain Cannabinoid Products under Section 151.72., making it a legislation.

Key points:

  1. Scope of the Act provides that the sale of any product which contains cannabinoid extracted from hemp that is edible for human consumption.
  2. Product which has been sold must not contain more than 0.3 percent of any THC.
  3. Any product that contains cannabinoids or THC must not be sold to persons below the age of 21.
  4. The manufacturer who is producing such products is required to produce the samples of the product before an independent laboratory to pass through the Board’s Standard Check.
  5. An accurate statement of the amount or percentage of cannabinoids found in each unit of the product should be expressly mentioned on the packaging.
  6. Products labelling should not contain any type of claim that product can cure any disease or ailment.
  7. Any cannabinoid product should not contain any cartoon or fictional character which would be appealing to children.
  8. An edible cannabinoid product must not contain more than 5 milligrams (5mg) of any tetrahydrocannabinol in a single serving, or more than a total of 50 milligrams (50mg) of any tetrahydrocannabinol per package.

Note: “Edible cannabinoid products” means such products that contain cannabis in combination with food which can be consumed as a beverage and is not a drug.

The product should be nonintoxicating cannabinoids which means substances extracted from certified hemp plants that do not produce intoxicating effects. Tetrahydrocannabinols (THC) which is derived from hemp is the primary intoxicant found in cannabis plants.

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