MNLU Nagpur | Two Days National Seminar On “Gender Justice – Breaking Stereotypes, Discriminations And Prejudices” [15th -16th Oct, 2022]

Reported by Gaurav Khatani


The Centre for Gender Justice Studies is an endeavor of the Maharashtra National Law University, Nagpur to respond to the emerging regime of rights of different genders and their protection granting them the liberty for full realization of their basic rights. With a commitment of novel contributions to the subject area, the Centre endeavors to undertake interdisciplinary studies involving legal academia and the other stakeholders and contribute in the
best possible manner to the global pool of knowledge on the subject The constitution of India guarantees equality before law and equal protection of laws. Drawing from the same, the indispensable significance of equal rights for all genders becomes apparent. However, despite bettering rates of literacy in the country, it is egregious to observe deeply vested forms of discriminations being practiced in the society that marginalize and outcast some. This form of violence needs to be dealt with iron hand where along with legal back-up, an effective communitarian support is absolutely required. At a time like this, it is hopeful to observe the growing umbrella of feminism that has sprawled wide enough to include the rainbow community and ensure justice to genders who fear free expression of their choices.


Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world. It is important to observe that sex is biological manifestation of an individual, while gender is a social tag that is based on certain pre-defined norms. The Constitution of India
enshrines principles of equality before law and that all should be given equal opportunities, but fighting the odds of discrimination and prejudices is still a long way. Moreover, Goal 5 of the Sustainable Development Goals 2015 envisages gender equality by the year 2030 and to achieve the same, the persistent obstacles must be fought with unwavering spirit. To achieve an overall development, the marginalized genders must engage socially,
economically and politically on a larger level and that is the most effective manner through which they can carve an equal space for themselves on the stage. In this backdrop, the Maharashtra National Law University, Nagpur, is organizing a Two Days National Seminar on ‘Gender Just ice- Breaking Stereotypes, Discriminations and Prejudices’.


Papers for presentation in the National Seminar are invited from academicians, practitioners, researchers, scholars and students on the issues related to specified themes. The sub-themes specified under each theme are not exhaustive and the researchers are free to write on any topic related to the theme.

Authors will be given an opportunity to present their papers as per requirement of the theme during sessions on the days of the seminar in person. Selected full papers will be published in a special volume on the seminar in the form of an edited book with ISBN.


Theme: Gender Justice — Breaking Stereotypes, Discriminations and Prejudices


Sub theme I – Rethinking sex and gender

  • Issues of identity and ideals of justice

  • Benevolent sexism and gender sensitization

  • Social impact of the depiction of gender and sexuality in popular culture

  • LGBTQ rights and sexual diversity

Sub Theme II — Gender and Legal Systems

  • Third Gender, Marital Rights and Legal Inclusion.

  • Women Emancipation and Indian Judiciary.

  • Sex and Gender under Penal Laws.

  • Stereotyping, Behavioral Norms and Trans-Inclusive Governance.

Sub Theme III — Gender and Technology

  • Gender and Access to Technology

  • Women in Media and Artificial Intelligence.

  • Gender Sensitive Issues and Media

  • Gender-based Cyber-Violence and Misogynistic Online-Movements.

Sub Theme IV — Gender and Development

  • Gender equality, Food Security and Sustainable Development.

  • Effect of International Trade on Gender Inclusion.

  • Gender Development and Economic Progress.

  • Combating Gender Stereotypes and Sexism in and through Education.

The sub-themes are not exhaustive. Papers on any of the related sub-themes are also welcome.


Abstract: The abstract should not exceed 300 — 350 words and must reach the organizer on or before 15th September 2022 accompanied by a cover page stating the following:

  • Theme and Sub-theme

  • Title of the paper

  • Name of the Author(s)

  • E-mail address

  • Postal address and Contact Number

Link for uploading the Abstract : HERE

Only the selected abstracts will be permitted for presentation.

Full Paper Submission: The following guidelines should be followed:

  • The word limit of the paper shall be 3000-4000 words (exclusive of footnotes).

  • The font style of the paper should be Times New Roman with font size being 12 for the main text and 10 for the footnotes.

  • The line spacing for the main text and footnotes should be 1.5 and 1 respectively. (Endnotes are not permitted).

  • One 1” should be maintained on all four sides of the pages.

  • Citation Style: Bluebook, 20th edition.

  • The File Name should be in the format given. Example- Name of Author + Title of paper.

  • The abstract and full paper has to be submitted in .doc/.pdf format.

  • Plagiarism declaration statement in the e-mail (The Plagiarism limit is 10%).

The full paper must be emailed to with the subject as “SUBMISSION OF FULL PAPER” on or before 10th October 2022.

Note: Co-authorship is permitted to a maximum of two authors and at least one author must attend the Seminar to present the paper. All submissions must be the author’s original and unpublished work.


Submission of Abstract

15th September 2022

Confirmation of Abstract

18th September 2022

Last date for Registration and Payment

20th September 2022

Submission of Full Paper

10th October 2022

National Seminar

15th & 16th October 2022


Abstract selection would be intimated through email. After the selection of the Abstract, the participants are required to pay the requisite fees for registration. and email the receipt of the payment to

Fee payment for registration can be done through the link provided below. The last date for payment of registration fee is on or before 20 September 2022.


Registration Fee:

Students & Research Scholars

  • Single Authorship – Rs. 800

  • Co-Authorship – Rs. 1,500

Academicians & Professionals

  • Single Authorship – Rs. 1,000

  • Co-Authorship – Rs. 1,800


One paper from each theme will be given the BEST PAPER Award Certificate. The Best paper will be selected from amongst the papers which are received well within the specified deadline for submission of full paper, and has adhered to all the rules related to formatting and has paid the requisite seminar registration fee. Selected papers under each theme will be published in the proposed book carrying ISBN number.


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