DSNLU | Two day National Online Workshop on Importance of International Humanitarian Law in the Contemporary World Conducted in Collaboration with International Committee of Red Cross

ABOUT ICRC ICRC was established in 1863 in Geneva, Switzerland. It operates worldwide, helping people affected by conflict and armed violence and


ICRC was established in 1863 in Geneva, Switzerland. It operates worldwide, helping people affected by conflict and armed violence and promoting the laws that protect victims of war. It is an independent, neutral organization ensuring humanitarian protection and assistance for victims of war and armed violence. The ICRC mandate stems essentially from the Geneva Conventions of 1949, and it’s additional Protocols of 1977. Its Statutes those of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and the resolutions of the International Conferences of the Red Cross and Red Crescent. It takes action in response to emergencies and promotes respect for international humanitarian law and its implementation in national law.


The Government of Andhra Pradesh established Damodaram Sanjivayya National Law University (DSNLU) vide DSNLU Act, 2008 at Visakhapatnam to impart quality legal education. It is recognized u/s 2(f) of UGC Act, 1956 and the BCI. It has also been granted 12B status by the UGC.

Its mission is to, promote and provide world-class legal education, training, excellence in legal research, and academic achievements. It strives to motivate and develop quality human resources by imparting knowledge with ethics, skills,and domain expertise in regulatory and legal fields. The University offers 5 years integrated B.A., LL.B. (Hons.) and 1 year LL.M. (Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, and Commercial Law) and also offers Doctoral and Post- Doctoral Degrees in LegalStudies.


International Humanitarian Law (IHL) is a part of the Law of Nations that is inspired by considerations of humanity. It is the body of principles and rules applicable in times of armed conflict with a view to protect people who are not or are no longer participating in the hostilities. Its central purpose is to limit and prevent human suffering in times of armed conflict.

In today’s world, this law assumes considerable importance in view of proliferation of armed conflict and the need to protect countless people affected by them. In the midst of devastation, destruction, carnage and massacre, it is this law alone that makes an attempt to ensure respect to fundamental norms of humanity by obliging parties to such conflicts to spare persons not participating in hostile action and to take care of starved, homeless, wounded and sick. It is generally accepted that a large portion of IHL principles reflect customary international law and, in some cases, peremptory norms (jus cogens) from which no derogation is permitted.


The knowledge of IHL and its implementation in the domestic sphere is fundamental for law students, academicians, and professionals. DSNLU is organizing this workshop to create awareness about IHL amongst them with support from the Regional Delegation of International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), New Delhi. In view of the fact that today’s students are tomorrow’s policy makers and opinion leaders and may have to deal with humanitarian issues, it is desirable that they have basic knowledge of IHL.

Fee Registeration: https://forms.gle/L4eDASZ BkdrcF8eY8

Click here for the registration

Last Date to Register: 28th September 2022

Conference Held on: 30th September &1st October 2022


B. Gauthami Sindhoora

Contact No. : +91 9398387798

Jagdish Pradhan

Contact No. : +91 80003407649

Spoorthi Thumsi

Contact No. : +91 9515970249

website: www.dsnlu.ac.in

email-id: icrcworkshop@dsnlu.ac

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