Call for Papers | RGNUL RSRR Volume 9 Issue 1 [Submit by November 19, 2022]

    About RSRR The RGNUL Student Research Review (RSRR) Journal is a bi-annual, student-run, blind peer-reviewed, flagship journal based at Rajiv



About RSRR

The RGNUL Student Research Review (RSRR) Journal is a bi-annual, student-run, blind peer-reviewed, flagship journal based at Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab. It was founded with the objective of facilitating arguments in black and white. 

Call for Papers

The Editorial Board invites submissions from academicians, practitioners, legal luminaries, and students on the theme “Development and Future of Energy Transition: Analyzing the Legal Landscape.” 

The energy industry fuels economies all around the world and has a significant impact on other sectors including investment, environment, technological innovation, and international commitments, among others. Presently, the challenge plaguing the industry is regarding the reduction of our dependence on fossil fuels while ensuring that everyone has access to reliable and affordable energy alternatives. This, however, has been accompanied by a plethora of challenges. In view of the unexplored potential of the energy industry, the novel challenges and concerns, and the lack of a sound legal mechanism, RSRR seeks to delve into the theme to review and analyse the present policy framework in light of everyday developments.

The primary objective behind this theme is to provide a platform for legal analysis, insightful commentary, and in-depth analysis that can bridge the gap between relevant legal developments in the energy sectors, and ultimately enhance the discourse surrounding such stigmatized topics.


RSRR invites submissions on the following sub-themes: 

I. Mapping India's Policy Landscape: Emerging Focus on Renewable Energy

II. Disruptive Practices in the Energy Sector: A Legal Analysis

III. Global Energy Transition Outlook: Lessons for India?

IV. Mapping the Commercial Domain of Energy-Based Transactions

V. Understanding Consumer’s Stance in the Energy Transition Model

Note: The above-mentioned sub-themes and sub-points are only illustrative and not exhaustive, and the authors are free to write upon any other sub-theme, provided they fall within the broad ambit of this journal's theme.

Submission Categories

The RSRR invites papers under the following categories: –

  • Articles (5,000 to 10,000 words) 

  • Short Notes (3,500 to 5,000 words) 

  • Case Comments (2,000 to 4,000 words) 

  • Legislative Comments (2,500 to 4,000 words)

  • Normative Law Articles (3,000 to 5,000 words)

Instructions for Authors

1. All submissions must be in Garamond, font size 12, spacing 1.5.

2. All footnotes shall be in Garamond 10, single-spaced, and should conform to the Oxford University Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA) mode of citation

3. Margins: Left 1 Inch and Right 1 Inch, Top 1 Inch and Bottom 1 Inch (A4).

4. The word limit is exclusive of all the footnotes.

5. Co-authorship is allowed for up to 2 authors.   

6. All submissions must include an abstract of a maximum of 250 words.

7. All submissions must be accompanied by a cover letter in a separate document stating the details of the author(s).

8. All entries should be submitted in .doc/ .docx format only. 

9. The author(s) bear sole responsibility for the accuracy of facts, opinions or views stated in the submitted paper. In case of any plagiarism found in the contents of the submitted paper, the Manuscript shall be subject to rejection.

Submission Procedure

The abstracts and the papers must be mailed to, with the subject “Submission for Volume 9, Issue 1 — Type of Submission (Article/ Short Note/ Case Comment/ Normative Law Articles)”. 

The submissions of abstracts and papers should accompany a cover letter specifying the author's name, designation, institute, contact number, and email for future reference in the mail body itself. 


The deadline for final paper submission, including the abstract, is by 19th November 2022 by 11:59 P.M. (IST).


For any further queries, contact us at

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