13th UPES Dr. Paras Diwan Memorial International “Energy Law” Moot Court Competition, 2023

    [10th — 13th February 2023]  About UPES  UPES, Dehradun, founded in 2003, is one of the top-ranking universities in India which offers


[10th — 13th February 2023] 

About UPES 

UPES, Dehradun, founded in 2003, is one of the top-ranking universities in India which offers multiple courses and specializations. With wide variety of constituent colleges including business, law, engineering and design, the University has expanded over the years. The University has been accredited with grade ‘A' by the National Assessment

and Accreditation Council, Government of India in year 2021 and strives to achieve more heights in the coming years. The School of Law, a wing of UPES, envisions an assemblage of specialist legal professionals, able to contribute to an increasingly diverse field wherein courses involve Energy Law, Corporate Law, Cyber law, Banking, Finances, and Intellectual Property Rights' specialization. It has been ranked amongst the Top 25 Law Schools of India by the National Institutional Ranking Framework in 2021.

About the Moot 

Dr. Paras Diwan Memorial International “Energy Law” Moot Court Competition has a decade long legacy attached to it. Known for consistently delivering cut-throat competition among the contending teams and promising an esteemed panel of judges in every edition, the event has furthered the awareness and interest of students across India – and beyond – in the field of energy laws. The moot proposition this year has been carefully curated to challenge the inquisitive minds of the teams with the core issue of ‘Energy Laws' i.e., “Cross Border Electricity”. The proposition has been drafted with key components of core energy law problems in mind – which mimic real world challenges being faced today in the field of energy laws, especially post the advent of globalization.

The proposition would challenge and stimulate even the best of minds and would compel students to dig deep into challenges present in the status quo and find novel, cutting-edge solutions. Competitive environment, panel of knowledgeable industry experts, a realistic and stimulating proposition, a warm OC to welcome you all, along with plenty of learning opportunities, awaits you this year at the 13th Dr. Paras Diwan Memorial International “Energy Law” Moot Court Competition, 2023.

Eligibility, Team Size and Other Information  

  • The Competition is open to all students, enrolled bona-fide at the time of the competition on a regular basis in an undergraduate law course or its equivalent conducted by any recognized Institution/College/University.

  • A recognized Institution/College/University shall be entitled to send only one Team for the competition.

  • Each Team shall comprise of three members. Two members of the Team shall be designated as Orators and the third member shall be designated as the Researcher.

  • Any additional member or Team Coach accompanying a Team shall not be recognized and will not be entitled to a certificate from the OC.

  • Any changes in the Team Composition shall be communicated to the OC before the commencement of the competition, failure of which can entail disqualification.  

Email ID: mootcourt@ddn.upes.ac.in


  • Provisional Registration with the organizers ends on 4th December, 2022. Online registrations are open from 5th December 2022. The last date for registration is 20th December, 2022.

  • Each Team must register by filling up the Registration Form available in ANNEXURE I of the Rulebook. Further, each team is required to also fill up the Google form as provided in the Rulebook of the Competition. 

  • Registration fee of ₹ 6000/- shall be charged for national teams. For international teams, the registration fee shall be USD 70.

  • The registered participants will receive a team code within 2 days from the last date of registration and confirmation of payment, which will function as their identity for submission of the memorials. 

The timeline of the event is as followed:

Provisional Registration

November 18, 2022

Release of Case Record

December 7, 2022

Last date for Provisional Registrations

December 4, 2022

Last date for Final Registration

December 20, 2022

Last Date for Seeking Clarifications

December 25, 2022

Release of clarifications of Case Record

December 30, 2022

Last Day Of Memorial Submission

January 30, 2022

Inauguration and Informative Talkshow

February 10, 2022

Researcher’s Test and Memorial Submission

February 10, 2022

Preliminary rounds and Cultural Night

February 11, 2023

Quarter – Final and Semi – Final Rounds

February 12, 2023

Final round and Valedictory Ceremony

February 13, 2023

To Know More, refer Rulebook, Case record, and Brochure

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