RGNUL Punjab Faculty Development Programme on Research Methodology (January 30 to February 3, 2023) [Register by Dec 31]

    Higher Education Institutions are facing a challenge in creating and maintaining quality of research especially in social sciences including Legal


Higher Education Institutions are facing a challenge in creating and maintaining quality of research especially in social sciences including Legal discipline. This may be due to variety of factors including lack of recognition of the purpose of applied research technique, lack of the fundamental knowledge necessary to link theoretical and applied research methodologies, lack of practical training and exposure etc. Consequently, promotion of high- quality doctrinal and empirical research in social sciences and law is a big challenge in India. Therefore, there is a urgent need to develop sound methodological base of research and acquaint research scholars and academicians with research techniques so that they can carry out quality empirical and doctrinal research in legal education. In this backdrop, there is need to train, reorient and reactivate the academicians research scholars in the social science and law on research methodology. The goal of the five-day Faculty Development Programme is to equip research scholars with the sound knowledge regarding the fundamentals of applied research methodology. The course would focus on applying research methods for carrying out any kind of social science research. Additionally, this workshop would encourage social science researchers to conduct inter-disciplinary research.


The State Legislature of Punjab by passing the Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab Act 2006 (Punjab Act No. 12 of 2006) established the Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law (RGNUL), Punjab. The Act incorporated a University of Law of national stature in Punjab, to fulfill the need for a Centre of Excellence in legal education in the modern era of globalization and liberalization. The University acquired approval of the Bar Council of India (BCI) in July 2006. The University also got registered with the University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi under Section 2(f) of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956 and has been declared fit to obtain grant from the (UGC) under Section 12-B of the UGC Act, 1956. National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) accredited the University with ‘A’ Grade in 2015. RGNUL, Punjab was granted autonomy under UGC Regulations, Clause 5 Dimensions of Autonomy for Category-II Universities in April 2018. The Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, ranked RGNUL the first amongst the cleanest Higher Educational Institutions, Swachh Campus (2019) in the category of Government Residential Universities.

About the Programme

The five-day FDP envisages providing its participants with a comprehensive understanding of Research Methodology and its application. It aims to familiarize participants with cutting-edge research techniques and research-based instruction. Intricate details of research and innovative pedagogies shall be discussed. The FDP is an endeavour to investigate various research methodologies and their dimensions. The modules will aim to improve the participants’ capacity for independent research in a planned manner, find relevant and noteworthy methods of literature review, create surveys, gather and analyse data, run simulations, and help them write research articles for high-caliber publications.

Tentative Dates and Location: The FDP will be a five-day training programme to be conducted at RGNUL, Punjab. The tentative dates are January 30 to February 3, 2023.

The FDP is Open to

  • Academicians

  • Research Scholars

Fee for the Programme

Academicians 3000/- GST extra Research Scholars 2500/- GST extra. The fee is exclusive of boarding and lodging

For Registration Click here.

Last Date to Register: 31 December 2022

Certificate of FDP: The participants will have to attend a minimum of 90% sessions. A test may be conducted based on MCQ’s at the end of the FDP.

Tentative Topics

  • Introduction to Research Methodology

  • Research Design

  • Literature Review Methodologies

  • Formulation of Hypothesis

  • Research Data Collection: Tools and Techniques

  • Statistical Data Analysis Tools

  • How to Write a Project Report

  • Publications Ethics in Research

  • Research Proposal

  • Funding and Opportunity

  • Research Paper Writing and Research Publication

  • Qualitative and Doctrinal Legal Research

  • Question paper setting and Evaluation


E-mail: fdp@rgnul.ac.in; 0175-2391600, 601, 200

To know more click on RGNUL Punjab Faculty Development Programme on Research Methodology (January 30 to February 3, 2023)

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