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SEBI notifies limited relaxation on Reg 58 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015


On 5-1-2023, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (‘SEBI') has notified a limited relaxation on Regulation 58 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 that deals in dispatch of physical copies of financial statements to debenture holders. The provisions of this circular have come into force with immediate effect.

Key Points:

  1. Regulation 58 prescribes that an entity with listed non-convertible securities has to send a hard copy of the financial statement, including consolidated financial statement, if any.

  2. The Ministry of Corporate Affairs, on 28-12-2022, extended the timeline for dispatching of physical copies of annual reports due till 30-11-2023.

  3. Accordingly, SEBI has also relaxed the compliance of the same until 30-11-2023.

*Kriti Kumar, Editorial Assistant has reported this brief.

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