ILS Law College, Pune | Professor S.P. Sathe 17th International Conference, 2023 [10-11 March 2023]

ABOUT “REMEMBERING S P SATHE” Professor Satyaranjan Purushottam Sathe was a distinguished legal luminary and a renowned academician in the judicial universe



Professor Satyaranjan Purushottam Sathe was a distinguished legal luminary and a renowned academician in the judicial universe of India. He held various positions in Universities and Law Institutes of repute. Professor S.P. Sathe had a long association with the Indian Law Society. He was the Principal of ILS Law College from 1976 to 1991. He was also the Secretary of the Indian Law Society until 2002. He was the Founder and Director of the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies. He was also the President of the Maharashtra People’s Union for Civil Liberties and a Vice President of the National PUCL.

His work on ‘Judicial Activism’ is appreciated worldwide. More than 100 articles written by him were published in national and international legal periodicals, magazines, and journals. Books to his credit are, ‘Administrative Law’, ‘Judicial Activism in India: Transgressing Borders and Enforcing Limits’, and ‘Right to Know.

Known for his humility, Professor Sathe endeared himself to his colleagues and students alike. His commitment to the Rights and Liberties of the people was deep and abiding.

Professor S. P. Sathe Foundation, set up by the Indian Law Society, organizes the “Remembering S.P. Sathe” event that consists of a Public Memorial Lecture, Moot Court Competition, and Conference at ILS Law College, Pune on a specific theme to commemorate his contribution to Indian Jurisprudence and Social Action and to encourage the academic pursuit of law students.


The year 2023 heralds great glory to prestigious institution of Indian Law Society’s Law College, marking 100 years of the college. This is just the start for many glorious years to come, for the institution being the pioneer in imparting legal education to the masses. This year, the college will be hosting its flagship event, the Remembering S.P. Sathe: Professor S.P. Sathe 17th International Conference on the theme of “Intersection of Law and Economics with Gender.” In recognition of the changing horizons in legal education, the theme for this year’s conference is interdisciplinary in nature, investigating the correlation between Law, Economics and Gender.

Law & Economics evolved as a singular independent discipline due to the contributions of Mr. Ronald Coase and Mr. Richard Posner, in the 1960s. The application of economic principles to law with the aim of maximizing compliance and reducing unwarranted results, better known as economic analysis of laws, has gained significance in contemporary times. The principle of economic analysis has been applied to various legal fields such as Property Law, Contract Law, Competition Law, Torts, etc. with positive results.

The conference seeks to understand the nuances of the application of economic principles to gender based laws and policies.

It focuses on the gender aspect of the domain of law and economics which priorly has been a relatively under-explored field.

Despite many positive developments in the past, gender-based exclusion and marginalization in terms of legislation and gender pay exists in almost every country’s workforce. Women are under-represented in the informal economy and poverty; their labour force participation has remained lower than that of men in the past decades. Legal barriers continue to prevent women from reaching their economic potential in many nations. The conference would focus on the intersection of social, economic, legal, and physiological dimensions of gender, with the intention to explore diverse patterns of gender inclusivity. The aim of the conference is to better facilitate comprehension and interpretation of gender as an important component of an economy.


Central Theme – The Intersection of Law and Economics with Gender

Sub Themes (The following list of themes is only indicative, not exhaustive)–

1] Opportunity cost of gender-based discrimination in economics

2] Prostitution: An economic and a sociological perspective

3] Economics of Fertility- Abortion laws, maternal mortality, contraception, Artificial Reproductive Techniques (ART) and family planning.

4] Gender-​responsive economic policy for programme implementation, policy making and advocacy.

5] Non-binary gender marginalization in context of and leading to economic exclusion

6] Feminisation of poverty, inequality, and vulnerability

7] Motherhood Penalty

8] Role of institutions in promoting gender equality

Who can attend?

Academicians, legal practitioners, economists, research scholars, law students, activists and others may participate in the Conference.


Session 1 – Opportunity cost of gender-based discrimination in economics

The gender-based divide for various social institutions prevents half of the population from achieving its full economic potential. Discriminatory social institutions – formal and informal laws, social norms, and practices restricting women’s rights and access to opportunities – have gained prominence as a useful analytical framework to illuminate what drives gender inequalities. Gender-based discrimination can lead up to a loss of trillions of dollars as projected by some studies working in the field. The session will focus on the existing legal structure based on gender divide and steps to be taken for loss prevention.

Session 2 – Gender-responsive economic policy for program implementation, policy-making and advocacy

Public governance plays a vital role in economic growth and development of an economy, therefore it has to be open, transparent, accountable and inclusive. Openness and transparency in policy making can improve awareness about existing gender inequalities, and the quality of gender mainstreaming in policy-making. Inclusion, participation, and diversity can improve gender-balanced access to public institutions, and gender equality in the delivery of public services. Accountability and respect for the rule of law can support the achievement of gender equality objectives by enhancing avenues for redress and access to justice in the face of inequality.

Day 2

Session 3 – Prostitution: An economic and a sociological perspective

Lack of opportunities, education, and increasing poverty have resulted in rise of the number of sex workers, which brings the issues of safe abortions, maternal mortality, access to safe contraception, childcare and access to education, paternal abandonment, etc to the forefront. Viewing prostitution as an economic activity also sheds light on legal aspects such as applicability of labour laws, minimum wage, healthcare, etc. In India, the Indian Penal Code and the Immoral Trafficking Act 1860 are the only legislations governing this area and they have limitations. The session will focus on the need and viability of a comprehensive legislation on prostitution, and its impact on the economy.

Session 4 – Feminisation of poverty, inequality, and vulnerability

Post-globalisation, gender-based dimensions (discriminations?) have increased to a greater level. This is also reflected in the poverty-stricken population of the world. Most of the population living below the international poverty line are women, leading to feminization of poverty across the world. Women living in poverty are denied the most basic and critical rights, which results in further marginalization of women, within the poor population. Economic policies for alleviation of poverty must take this feminization into account. This session aims to map out law and policy-based solutions to bring equality in poverty alleviation measures.

Session 5 – Motherhood Penalty: Role of institutions in promoting gender equality

The gender-based pay gap has long been a matter of concern as a demotivating factor regarding the place of women in the labour market. Aggravating the issue is the concept of motherhood penalty. It refers to the discrimination of women in the labour force if they choose to undertake pregnancy and the consequent economic an opportunity loss. Women with children are less preferred over men with children when it comes to employability. This undesirability also translates to lack of promotions, unequal appraisals, etc. Moreover, this discrimination is also seen in the informal sector. The sugarcane workers in rural India commonly undertake the practice of removal of their uterus to guarantee their employability. Lack of legislation to address this discrimination can be harmful in the long term. The session aims to discuss the status of discrimination against women in workplace from an economic perspective and the measures through which such discrimination can be prevented.

Registration Details


Without Paper

ILS Students

Rs. 500/-

Indian Students and Ph. D Scholars

Rs. 1500/-

Indian Academicians/ Professionals/Practitioners

Rs. 2000/-

International Students and Ph.D. scholars

50 USD

International Academicians/ Professionals/ Practitioners

100 USD

Note: The overhead charges on the registration fees of foreign participants needs to be paid by the individuals themselves.



Student Coordinators:

Shreya Basu – 77150 38745

Aarya Balte – 77559 60210

Faculty Coordinators:

Ninawari Ware (Assistant Professor) – 91300 24440

Akshay Ugale (Assistant Professor) – 96378 85222

For further inquiries:

Tel: 020-25656775, 020-25656780




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