Call for Registrations | 4th GNLU Annual Legal Services Forum, 2023

About GNLU Legal Services Committee Gujarat National Law University is a premier institute of legal education in India established under the Gujarat


About GNLU Legal Services Committee

Gujarat National Law University is a premier institute of legal education in India established under the Gujarat National Law University Act, 2003. It has been a pioneer in the field of legal education for the past two decades. Recognizing that a comprehensive appreciation of the technicalities, complexities and patterns of the society is indispensable for realizing the goals of the law, the GNLU Legal Services Committee was established under Section 4(k) of the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987. The committee aims to provide assistance through various methods including community care projects, legal awareness initiatives, social work and policy reform initiatives.

About the Event

The Annual Legal Services Forum is a flagship event of the GNLU Legal Services Committee which aims to bridge the gap between academics and grassroot-level fieldwork undertaken by legal aid centres, and provides a unique platform to engage in discourse for systemic issues posed to legal aid initiatives. It aims to create a platform to bring together Legal Services Committees (LSC)/Legal Aid Clinics (LAC) of various law schools, and facilitate deliberation, collaboration, and contribution by Legal Aid Clinics to provide free and competent legal services to the underprivileged.

The 4th GNLU Annual Legal Services Forum will focus on the broad theme of “Revolutionizing Legal Aid”. Legal aid has proved to be one of the most dynamic areas of legal frameworks across the globe in the last two decades. Legal aid began as a means to bridge the gap between the privileged and underprivileged and facilitate access to justice despite socio-economic, cultural and various other barriers. This edition of the forum entails lectures by outstanding and renowned experts, lawyers, and professionals on the path to revolution and innovation in the field of quality and free legal aid, along with round table discussions amongst the best minds in the nation and presentations of annual reports and proposals of the various Legal Services Committee (LSC)/ Legal Aid Clinic (LAC) across the country.

About the Legal Services Funding Grant

The GNLU Legal Services Funding Grant would be awarded in the Forum to honour and support impactful socio-legal initiatives by LSC/LACs across the country. The grant entails (i) a reward of Rs. 25,000/- for the winner and Rs. 15,000/- for the second awardee; (ii) a trophy; and (iii) a certificate of merit. The Grant shall be awarded to LSC/LAC which embodies an efficient work ethic and promises to effect revolutionary and tangible positive change in society through its activities. The basis for awarding the grant is the Report of LSC/LAC, Proposal and Presentation during the Forum, the details and procedure for submission can be found in the brochure attached herewith.

Important Details:

  • Last date for registration: 25th March, 2023.
  • Last date for submission of the report and proposal: 31st March 2023.
  • Last date for payment of the registration fee: 5th April, 2023
  • Dates of the forum: 13-14th April, 2023.
  • The link for registration can be entered here.

In case of any further assistance, kindly contact:

Ms. Sampada Pande (+91 6264024554)

Ms. Diya Vaya (+91 8657672718)

Mr. Yajush Tripathi (+91 8401894169)

Mr. Karma Shah (+91 82004 75805)

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