Punjab and Haryana High Court: In Writ Petitions initially seeking release of alleged detenue Amritpal Singh by the authorities and subsequently seeking to implead Union of India as a party in the matter, N.S. Shekhawat, J. dismissed the petition being infructuous since the Court was informed of Amritpal Singh’s arrest on 23-4-2023.
The petitioner moved an application praying for impleading the Union of India as a respondent for proper adjudication of the matter regarding issuance of Writ of habeas corpus for release of Amritpal Singh.
However, it was informed by the Advocate General that the alleged detenue in the instant case, Amritpal Singh, was arrested on 23-4-2023 by following due process of law. The Court did not find any need to implead the Union of India as a respondent and dismissed the instant petition.
The Court observed that the instant petition for release of Amritpal Singh through Writ of Habeas Corpus has been rendered infructuous after his arrest.
[Imaan Singh Khara v. State of Punjab, 2023 SCC OnLine P&H 361, Judgment dated 24-4-2023]
Judgment by: Justice N.S. Shekhawat
Advocates who appeared in this case :
For Petitioner: Advocate Judgepreet Singh Warring;
For Respondents: Advocate General of Punjab Vinod Ghai, Additional Advocate General of Punjab Aman Pal;
Amicus Curiae: Advocate Tanu Bedi.
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