Karnataka High Court: In a major setback for social media platform, Twitter, the Bench of Krishna S. Dixit, J., on 30-06-2023, rejected its petition challenging the blocking orders issued by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeiTY) during February 2021 and February 2022 under Section 69-A of Information and Technology Act, 2000. The Court also imposed a hefty cost of INR 50 Lakhs on Twitter citing its conduct.
Twitter had knocked the doors of the High Court in June 2022 challenging the blocking orders. Union of India had contended that Twitter being a foreign entity cannot claim enforcement of fundamental rights. On the contrary, Twitter claimed that rights under Article 14 of the Constitution were available to foreign entities as well.
Source: The Indian Express
[Twitter Inc v. Union of India, Writ Petition No. 13710 of 2022, decided on 30-06-2023]
Advocates who appeared in this case :
Petitioner- Manu Prabhakar Kulkarni;
Respondent- Kumar M.N.