About the University
University School of Law and Legal Studies at Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, situated in Dwarka, New Delhi, was founded in 2001. The college’s objective is to furnish an intellectually stimulating, socially invigorating, and professionally enriching education. This is achieved by nurturing academic potential, fostering critical analytical ability, and honing skills in advocacy, counselling, and ADR. The Law School aspires to unveil new horizons in the realms of law, legal studies, and theoretical as well as clinical legal education. The Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University has been accredited with a CGPA of 3.56 on a seven-point scale at A++ Grade valid for a period of 7 years from 14-02-2023.
About the Conference
The 4th ALL INDIA LEGAL HISTORY CONGRESS, hosted by University School of Law and Legal Studies, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, in collaboration with All India Association of Legal History Congress and Centre for Studies in Legal History, NUJS is intended to bring together historians, scholars, and enthusiasts to delve into diverse facets of history. Building upon the achievements of past legal history congresses, this event underscores interdisciplinary cooperation and the examination of less-explored topics. With its array of keynote addresses, panel discussions, and networking opportunities, the congress facilitates meaningful connections and the exchange of ideas. The generous support from sponsors and patrons enables this congress to foster interdisciplinary dialogue, deepen historical comprehension, and contribute to our collective knowledge.
Marginalities and Margins
Invention of Tradition
International Law
Law and Development Studies
Story of Governance — Elections, Panchayats, Local Self-Government
Historical Perspective of Language and Law
Judicial Decisions – Themes of Women, Children, etc.
Law, Economics and History
Law and Social Sciences
Origin and Development of Legal History: Text and Context
Histories of Labour and Mobility
Legal Economics and History
Criminal Justice System – IPC, etc.
Indigenous Community – Human Rights, Interdisciplinary, etc.
Land Laws
Media, Law and History
Intellectual History
Technology, History and Laws
Historical Foundations of Legal Institutions in India
The role of the Indian Constitution in the making of Indian Legal History – National Movement, Civil Rights, Human Rights
Sources of Legal History and Historical Method
The Conference extends an invitation to historians, academicians, practitioners, and law students pursuing their LL.B. (Hons.)/LL.B./LL.M./Ph.D. from any recognized university to submit their contributions.
GGSIPU, Golf Course Rd, Sector 16 C, Dwarka, Delhi, 110078
Registration Process
Step 1: Submission of Abstract
The participants are required to submit their abstracts, adhering to the Submission Guidelines, no later than September 20, 2023, to the following email address: ailhc2023@gmail.com.
Step 2: Filling the Registration Form
After the selection of the abstract, the authors/co-authors will be required to fulfil the registration process by filling the registration form and paying the registration fees.
Step 3: Paying the Registration Fees
Upon submission of the registration form, the participants are required to pay their registration fee by PayPal, Google Pay or Debit/Credit Card to the following account:
Account Holder Name: Registrar, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University
Account Number: 927860555
IFSC Code: IDIB000G082
Bank Name: Indian Bank
Branch Name & Address: GGSIPU, Sector-16C, Dwarka, New Delhi-110078
Step 4: Emailing the Receipt
After paying the registration fees, every paper presenter must send a screenshot of the Transaction ID or the Reference Number via email to the following address: ailhc2023@gmail.com.
Registration Fees
For Faculty and Research Scholars – INR 4000/-.
For Students – INR 1500/-.
How to Submit
Abstract Submission: An abstract/proposal containing 300 to 500 words, clearly summarizing the arguments, must be emailed to ailhc2023@gmail.com. The file should be titled as: “Abstract (Name of the Article)”.
Paper Length (excluding footnotes): 5,000- 6,000 words in 12-15 pages, accompanied by an Abstract of no more than 500 words and 3-5 keywords.
Format: The paper must be written in British English, typed using Times New Roman (Normal style, Font size 12) and in MS-Word. Page size should be A4, single column with 2.5 cm (1 inch) margin on all sides with single line spacing. All pages of the manuscript (including Tables and Figures) must be numbered.
Citation Format: OSCOLA (Oxford Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities). Citation of sources should appear in both, the body of the text (an intext citation) and at the end of the work (a reference list).
Co-Authorship: The option of co-authorship is available for up to two authors.
The submission must be the original work of the authors. Any form of plagiarism will lead to direct rejection.
The decision of the Organisers in case of conflict regard shall be final.
Call for Papers – 30 August, 2023
Abstract Submission – 20 September, 2023
Abstract Selection – 5 October, 2023
Final Date for Payment of Registration Fees – 31 October, 2023
Final Submission of Paper – 1 November, 2023
Final Selection for Presentation – 20 November, 2023
Conference – 6-8 December, 2023
All queries may be addressed to this email: ailhc2023@gmail.com
Original Link
🎓 University School of Law and Legal Studies at Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi, founded in 2001, offers intellectually stimulating legal education. They’re hosting the 4th All India Legal History Congress in collaboration with All India Association of Legal History Congress and Centre for Studies in Legal History, NUJS. This event brings historians and scholars together to explore various historical facets. Sub-themes include Marginalities and Margins, International Law, and more. Interested participants can submit abstracts until September 20, 2023. Registration details and guidelines can be found in the article. 📚📜🏛️