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25th D.M. Harish Memorial Government Law College International Moot Court Competition

D.M. Harish Memorial Government Law College

Government Law College, Mumbai presents the 25th D. M. Harish Memorial Government Law College International Online Moot Court Competition, 2024, in association with the D. M. Harish Foundation. The competition is scheduled to be conducted in a hybrid format wherein the Preliminary Rounds of Oral Arguments shall be held in an online format on 14th January, 2024, while the Quarter-Final, Semi-Final and Final Rounds of Oral Arguments shall be conducted in an offline format on 9th-10th March, 2024, in Government Law College, Mumbai.

DMH is India’s first international Moot Court Competition. It started in the year 2000 as a National Moot Court Competition and has been open to international entrants for the past fifteen years. It has seen the keen participation of a number of teams from across all continents.

The moot problem of the Competition deals primarily with issues relating to International Law, highlighting the emerging legal landscape and has been drafted by experts in the field. The participants are made to go through extensive Mooting Rounds which will be judged by eminent lawyers and Judges of the highest standing in India, to ensure that only the two best Teams reach the Final Round of Arguments. All participants are also to present their Written Submissions a month prior to the Competition.

Registrations for the Memorial Round of the 25th D.M. Harish Memorial Government Law College International Moot Court Competition, 2024 are now open. The last date to register for the same is 5th November, 2023.

All teams interested in participating in the Memorial Rounds are required to fill up the given Google Form at the earliest:

Contact Details:

Tanisha Singh: +91 72190 86618

Palomi Visaria: +91 99300 90457

Paramyaa Nand: +91 94995 53337

To know more click on Official Overseas Schedule – 25th D.M. Harish Memorial Government Law College National Moot Court Competition, 2024, Official Schedule – 25th D.M. Harish Memorial Government Law College National Moot Court Competition, 2024, Official Rules – 25th D.M. Harish Memorial Government Law College National Moot Court Competition, 2024 and Moot Compromis – 25th D.M. Harish Memorial Government Law College National Moot Court Competition, 2024

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