Call for Papers | First Global Online Conference on ‘Climate Action, SDGS, and Trade: A Path Towards a Greener Future’

ABOUT HIDAYATULLAH NATIONAL LAW UNIVERSITY Hidayatullah National Law University, a premier institute forlegal education and research iscelebrating its 20th Year ofestablishment. The

Climate Action


Hidayatullah National Law University, a premier institute forlegal education and research iscelebrating its 20th Year ofestablishment. The university motto, ‘DharmaSansthapanartham,’ translates to ‘for the sake of establishingthe primacy of laws of eternal values.’ In line with this ethos,HNLU strives to provide advanced legal education that shapesstudents into more than just legal professionals; it instils inthem a profound responsibility to contribute to the society.The University has launched several innovative programmesin the last few years like Lex Osmose, Ex Arca, HNLU Press,Sui Generis, HEXA, HAAI, R-HaS and the Distinguished JuristProfessor (DJP) Programme. The details can be browsed

About R-HaS

The University has restructured and redesigned its researchefforts in tune with the contemporary priorities with its novelmodel christened as “R- HaS” {Research-Hub & Spoke}. TheR-HaS constitutes Five Hubs structured as School of Law &Technology, School of Law & Public Policy, School of Law &Humanities, School of Law and Business, School of Law andGovernance. Each School has five dedicated research centres.


On a global scale, the climate change we are experiencing is a serious and pressing issue of our time. As António Guterres, Secretary-General of the UN, noted at the United Nations Climate Change Conference COP27, “We are on a highway to climate hell with our foot on the accelerator.”

According to the UNEP Climate Change 2023, Synthesis Report states, “humans are responsible for all global heating over the past 200 years, leading to a current temperature rise of 1.1°C above pre-industrial levels, which has led to more frequent and hazardous weather events that have caused increasing destruction to people and the planet.” A key objective of the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is to help countries mitigate the impacts of climate change while achieving sustainable development. In this regard, there is an even greater need than ever for an effective action on climate change. The SDGs aim to address various social, economic, and environmental issues, such as inequality, climate change, and biodiversity loss.

A collaborative effort is required to achieve the SDGs, including trade policies that support sustainable practices and climate action. One crucial aspect of this effort is the intersection of trade policy and the SDGs. To mitigate climate change, adopting sustainable development practices and transforming the way we do business, trade, and commerce is necessary. Trade policies can support these efforts by enabling the transition to a greener economy and promoting sustainable trade practices. Therefore, this conference aims to bring together experts and stakeholders to discuss how to align trade policies with sustainable development and climate action.

In this context, this proposed conference will explore the intersection of climate action, SDGs, and trade and how they can work together to create a path towards a greener future.


  • To explore the linkages between trade policies, SDGs, and climate action.

  • To discuss innovative approaches and best practices in trade policy that could promote sustainable development.

  • To identify the challenges and opportunities in aligning trade policies with SDGs and climate action.

  • To ensure deliberations among different stakeholders towards a greener future.


The inaugural and valedictory sessions will be followed by twomodules as follows:

Module 1: Theme-based Panel Discussions

Module 2: Paper Presentations in Technical Sessions

Sub-themes of the conference:

  • Climate Change and Sustainable Development

  • Climate Justice and Climate Resilient Development

  • Climate Action and Trade Policies

  • Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation

  • Climate Action and Private Sector Engagement

  • Sustainable Trade Policies and Climate Action

  • Paris Climate Goals and Future Discourse

  • SDGs and International Trade Practices

  • Climate Action: Impact on People and Planet

  • Trade Environment and Gender Equality

  • Green Finance and Environmental Governance

  • Circular Economy and Sustainable Development

  • Climate Action and Economic Development

  • Trade and Investment for Sustainable Development

  • Technology, Innovation, and Climate Governance

  • Trade’s Impact on local communities and the Environment

  • Role of indigenous people and NGOs in climate action

These sub-themes are only suggestive and not exhaustive. Papers not covered under the sub- themes mentioned above but relevant in the thrust area may also be considered.


Research papers/articles in English are invited from academicians, researchers, professionals, practitioners, and students in the fields of law, economics, international trade, environmental studies, social sciences and sustainability, and other stakeholders involved in climate action, Sustainable Development Goals, and trade or on any other emerging issues and related areas on the broader sub-themes given above.

The selected papers, based on quality, is proposed to be published in the form of an edited book with ISBN.


Indian Participants:

For Academicians/Professionals and Research Scholars: INR 1200

For Students: INR 1000

Foreign Participants:

For Academicians/Professionals: 15 USD

For Research Scholars and Students: 10 USD

Note – Co-authorship of up to two authors is permitted with the submission of registration fees by both authors separately.


Account Holder’s Name: Registrar, Hidayatullah National Law University, Raipur

Bank Name: IDBI Bank

Account No.: 1188102000000806

IFSC Code: IBKL0001188

MICR Code: 492259503

Branch Name: HNLU Campus Branch, Uparwara, Nava Raipur Account Type: Current A/C


  1. The abstract up to 300 words accompanied by a brief profile of the author/s indicating his/her email ID, contact number, designation, and official address.

  2. The word limit for full paper along with an abstract is 3000 – 5000 words (excluding footnotes) which is required to be submitted in MS Word format. The same may be considered for publication in the form of an edited book with ISBN.

  3. Font: Times New Roman, Font Size: 12, Line spacing: 1.5, A4 size paper with 1” margin on all sides.

  4. The papers not to exceed 10% similarity under any antiplagiarismdetection software.

  5. For references and bibliography, the author(s) are required to follow the Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation, 20th edition.

For Registration

Please scan QR Code or Click the link given below:

Dates to Remember

Deadline for theSubmission of Abstracts – 9 November, 2023

Intimation ofAcceptance of Abstracts – 10 November, 2023

Deadline for the Submission of FullPaper, Registration fee payment – 20 November, 2023

Dates of the Conference – 25-26 November, 2023

Contact Details

For further queries and additional information, please contact:

Dr. Ankit Awasthi

Secretary & Head, Centre for WTO/WIPO Studies, SLT

Email id:, Contact No.: 7355235075

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