On 13-11-2023, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (‘SEBI’) revised the Master Circular dated 17-5-2023 introducing a standard “Most Important Terms and Conditions” (‘MITC’) which will be given by the brokers to the clients to bring into focus critical aspects of broker-client relationship and for ease of understanding of the clients.
Key Points:
Brokers’ Industry Standard Forum (‘ISF’) will have to publish the form, nature of communication, documentation and detailed standards for implementation of MITC on or before 1-1-2024.
The date of implementation and compliance for the new onboarding clients will be 1-4-2024.
Note: The Master Circular is revised as the following uniform documents for formalizing the broker-client relationship are voluminous and investors may lose focus on critical aspects:
Account opening form;
Rights and obligations;
Risk disclosure documents;
Guidance notes;
Policies and procedures;
Tariff sheet.