RMLNLU | 3rd Edition of National Seminar on Law And Technology [February 3-4, 2024]

The Committee to Organize Seminars, Workshops, Extra-Murals, and Special Lectures of Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University, Lucknow is organizing the

National Seminar on Law And Technology

The Committee to Organize Seminars, Workshops, Extra-Murals, and Special Lectures of Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University, Lucknow is organizing the third edition of the National Seminar on Law and Technology in collaboration with Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas & Co. which will take place on February 3&4, 2024. We request you to share the same on your legal news portal. We have attached all the necessary information regarding the national seminar along with the Brochure.

About the University

Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University was established by an Act of Govt. of Uttar Pradesh in 2005 and came into being on 4th of January 2006 to meet up the new challenges in the legal field. Being one of the premier national law schools in the country, the university aims to provide quality legal education and cater to the needs of the legal profession with its centres of excellence.

About the Committee

The Committee to Organize Seminars, Workshops, Extra Murals, and Special Lectures was constituted and mandated to organize academic events at Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University, Lucknow. It is the primary academic discussion committee of the university. It is known to organize events such as the National Seminar on Law & Tech and Lecture Series on many contemporary and relevant legal issues for the benefit of the student and teaching fraternity throughout the year.

About the National Seminar Seminar

The law and technology field is paramount as it shapes various aspects of our society, economy, governance, and individual rights. Therefore, laws must be pliant to adapt to govern their use, ensure safety, and protect the rights of individuals and entities. The intertwining of law and technology is vital for ensuring a responsible, ethical, and sustainable integration of technological advancement into our lives, institutions, and societies. The Seminar aims to act as a catalyst for discussions on the key aspects of technology & law, its future trends, and impacts. It also seeks to gather inputs from a diverse range of stakeholders on legal issues relating to technology as well as to get a broader understanding of the developments of legal issues in this field in the past that will help generate a more holistic viewpoint about the existing concerns in the field of law and technology.

Who is it for

This Seminar is an endeavor to invite views from cross-sections of the stakeholders on the legal issues relating to technology while learning from the tangle of the purported conclusions reached in the recent past by courts, regulators, technocrats, and commentators on these issues, and to churn out testable theories and suggestions in the field of technology and its legal aspects. The main motto is to widen awareness about the interconnectedness of law, science, and technology among academicians, research scholars, students, and even to the common masses.


Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University, Sector D-1, LDA Colony, Kanpur Road Scheme, Aashiyana, Lucknow-226012.

Call for Papers

University invites well-researched and unpublished research papers, case analysis, articles by Academicians, Policymakers, Journalists, Lawyers, Bureaucrats, Research scholars and Students. Research papers shall be subject to the approval of the Editorial Board for inclusion in the seminar. The Seminar calls for papers under the following sub-themes. However, the list is only indicative and not exhaustive. Any other topic related to the Seminar theme may also be submitted


The Seminar calls for papers under the following sub-themes. However, the list is only indicative and inexhaustive. Any other topic related to the theme may also be submitted.

  • The Legal Framework of E-commerce: Challenges and Adaptations in the Digital Era

  • Empowering Tech: How Competition Authorities Drive Fair Play in IT Growth

  • Cybersecurity: Navigating the Dynamic Terrain of Digital Threats and Safeguards

  • Cryptocurrency: Harmonizing the Digital Wave of Wealth and Regulation

  • Exploring the Boundaries of Tech-Driven Dispute Resolution

  • Emerging IPR concerns in the realm of the Internet

  • Navigating the Fintech Regulatory Landscape: Challenges and Opportunities

  • Navigating Artificial Intelligence’s Influence on Legal Landscape

  • Inspecting the Legal Dynamics of Unmanned Automated Vehicles

  • Evolving data privacy landscape in India with respect to the Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023

  • The Legal Frontiers of Identity in the Digital Age.

Submission Guidelines

  1. All submissions have to be in English.

  2. The abstract should not be more than 500 words. It shall be accompanied by a cover letter containing – a brief profile of the author including e-mail ID, contact number, designation, institution, and official address.

  3. The word limit for a research paper is 6000-8000 words (inclusive of all citations and references).

  4. Submissions must be typed in Times New Roman, Font Size 12 on A4 size paper with a 1” margin on all sides with 1.5-line spacing. The heading should be in Times New Roman, Font Size 14, Bold, 1.5-line spacing, center-aligned while the sub-heading should be in Times New Roman, Font Size 13, Italicized, 1.15—line spacing. Footnotes must be in Times New Roman, Font Size 10 with 1.0-line spacing. The file extension shall be .doc.

  5. There can be a maximum of only one Co-Author. All the co-authors need to get registered for the seminar.

  6. Plagiarism shall not exceed more than 10%.

  7. The Author(s) should also send a declaration along with the abstract & final paper that their work is original and unpublished and that it does not infringe the copyright laws. The organizing committee is not responsible for any copyright infringements by the authors and if found the paper is liable to be disqualified at any stage.

  8. Author(s) are required to adhere to a uniform mode of citation: 21st edition of The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation.

  9. Author(s) who intend to present their research papers in the seminar are required to submit the Abstract on or before 25th December 2023 (latest by 11:59 PM) through the following link:- https://forms.gle/9ssvFindGB96oRqe8

  10. The abstracts will be peer-reviewed by the Editorial Board and only shortlisted abstracts will be invited to submit final papers as well to present them in the National Seminar. The final paper should be submitted after the intimation of acceptance of the abstract.

  11. The Manuscript Submission and Registration shall be done through the following link:- https://forms.gle/dcezYnJUbNS5a3L67.

Registration Guidelines

1. The registration fee is as follows:-

  • For Students- Rs. 1,000/-

  • For academicians and professionals – Rs. 2,000/-

  • RMLNLU faculty & students- No fee

Accommodation charges- Rs.1,500/- (for students) and Rs.2,000 (for academicians and professionals). Accommodation charges are exclusive of registration fees.

2. Each Author has to pay individually.

3. Registration for the seminar has to be done through the following link:- https://forms.gle/dcezYnJUbNS5a3L67

4. Payment Guide:

  • Proceed to the following link:- https://www.onlinesbi.sbi/sbicollect/icollecthome.htm?corpID=288415

  • Select the registration fee in the Payment Category tab.

  • Select Seminar/Workshop in the event tab and fill in the required details.

  • Write ‘National Seminar on Law and Technology’ in the Name of the Event tab.

  • Proceed with payment and after successful payment; kindly upload the receipt in the registration form.

  • The registration fee is non-refundable.

Prize and Reward

  • The top three papers in the seminar will receive prize money:

    1st Position: ₹ 15,000/-

    2nd Position: ₹ 10,000/-

    3rd Position: ₹ 5,000/-

  • One internship slot will be awarded with Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas for the Winner (for students).

  • All the final submissions shall be subjected to blind peer review and plagiarism check, subsequent to which the selected papers may be considered for publication in an Edited Book.

  • Certificates of the paper presentation will be given to all registered authors for the papers presented in the Seminar.

Important Dates

Abstract Submission: December 25, 2023.

Intimation of Selected Abstracts: December 31, 2023.

Full paper submission and registration deadline: January 25, 2024.

National Seminar: February 3&4, 2024.


For any further clarification mail us at: lawtech.rmlnlu@gmail.com.

Facebook: Committee page: Seminars, Workshops, Extra Mural & Special Lectures Committee, RMLNLU(@seminarrmlnlu)

Event page:

Twitter: seminar_rmlnlu

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/seminar-committee-3347411a0

Instagram: semcom_rmlnlu

For more details, kindly refer to the brochure.


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