RBI notifies FEM (Manner of Receipt and Payment) Regulations, 2023 mandating permission from RBI for Trade outside India

On 21-12-2023, the Reserve Bank of India (‘RBI’) notified the Foreign Exchange Management (Manner of Receipt and Payment) Regulations, 2023 mandating permission


On 21-12-2023, the Reserve Bank of India (‘RBI’) notified the Foreign Exchange Management (Manner of Receipt and Payment) Regulations, 2023 mandating permission of RBI to make or receive payments from a person residing outside India. The provisions came into force on 21-12-2023.

Key Points:

  1. These Regulations will be governed by the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 (‘FEMA’).

  2. Any person residing in India cannot make or receive payments from any person residing outside India:

    • Unless permitted by RBI;

    • Allowed by FEMA;

    • Allowed by Rules or Directions under the FEMA;

  3. Manner of Receipt and Payment- The receipt or payment will be made through an Authorized Bank or Authorized Person in the following manner:

    • Trade Transactions:

      • Nepal & Bhutan- in Indian Rupees provided that in case of exports from India where the importer in Nepal has been permitted by the Nepal Rashtra Bank to make payment in foreign currency, such receipts towards the amount of the export may be in foreign currency.

      • Member countries of Asian Clearing Union (‘ACU’), other than Nepal & Bhutan- through ACU mechanism or in case of imports where the goods are shipped to India from a member country of the ACU (other than Nepal and Bhutan) but the supplier is resident of a country other than a member country of the ACU then in Indian Rupees or in any foreign currency.

      • Countries other than member countries of ACU- in Indian Rupees or in any foreign currency.

    • Transactions other than Trade Transactions:

      • Nepal & Bhutan- In Indian Rupees or in case of overseas investment in Bhutan, in foreign currency.

      • Other Countries- in Indian Rupees or in any foreign currency.

  4. Payment and Receipt in India for any Current Account Transaction (other than a trade transaction) will be done only in Indian Rupees or by debit/ credit to a bank account maintained in terms of the rules, regulations or directions under FEMA.

Note: The Asian Clearing Union (ACU) is a payment arrangement between the central banks of Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Iran, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.

One comment

  • FEMA=Foreign Exchange Monetary Act,
    ACU=Asia Currency Union.
    Above two are being change,who were given,can understand.
    Nepal-Butan when imports from India,payment through under regulations by FEMA,permission from RBI,which Foreign currency payment may be that currency as measurement dollar,rupee to India.Generally on Foreign trade payment stay on bank
    balance dollar,whichever it may be currency as conversion dollar or Asia currency as 5contents one recognised currency,but multiple currency example crypto currency a group unknown currencies who referred this,on globe which direction going,not known,why should do?
    Asia Currency Union a member country of Asia through a country resident exports to India,the foreign trade bill at departure goods as noted which country,Asia currency Union only for members of Asia may be,what he is desired to get Asia currency as possible approach,but India currency or foreign currency question araised,foreign trade as sure (out Asia) a country, this only payment acceptance,but through middle bill on member of asia country,goods(because goods quality not known asia member country) therefore can not be accepted that goods.
    Current account transactions,loans(otherthan foreign trades) are India rupee only here(out country) foreign country dollar due on Bank balance place than conversion as India rupee as necessary to do in this,as per currency inflow outflow records as need to control currency as per trade wise,when foreign trade being as per above ad dollar,Asia currency as valid due on Bank balance to particular export country as needed.At present exceeded fund monetary in countries as been known.Previously heading’Humans Development’ as been forwarded to external affairs ministry and United Nations Organisation etc.,will be considered.I Padma award nominee Padma Vibhusan,refer.

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