Supreme Court Collegium recommends elevation of Advocates and Judicial Officers as Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh High Court Judges

A total number of 4 candidates were recommended by the Collegium to be appointed as Judges of the High Courts of Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh.

supreme court collegium elevation judges high courts

On 09-01-2024, the Supreme Court Collegium comprising of Dr Justice D.Y. Chandrachud, the Chief Justice of India, Justice Sanjiv Khanna and Justice B.R. Gavai recommended the names of 4 advocates and judicial officers to be appointed as Judges of the High Courts of Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh.

Gujarat High Court

The Supreme Court Collegium has recommended the name of Pranav Shailesh Trivedi, Advocate, for appointment as Judge of the High Court of Gujarat. The Collegium noted that Pranav Shailesh Trivedi was enrolled with the State Bar Council in 2000 and has put in 23 years of practice at the High Court of Gujarat. His area of practice includes taxation, civil, criminal, constitutional, labour, company and service cases, with specialisation in taxation and criminal law.

Madhya Pradesh High Court

Advocates recommended to be elevated as Judges

While considering the names of the following advocates the Collegium of Madhya Pradesh High Court had duly considered their professional competence and after finding them professionally competent, forwarded their recommendation to the Supreme Court Collegium. As regards the integrity of the two advocates, the inputs provided by Government are unconfirmed based on discreet enquiries and without giving specific material or information.

The Supreme Court Collegium thus recommended the names of following advocates for appointment as Judges of the High Court of Madhya Pradesh High Court-

  1. Deepak Khot

  2. Pavan Kumar Dwivedi@ Pavan Dwivedi

The Collegium noted that the proposal for appointment of two Advocates namely Ashish Shroti and Amit Seth, whose names were approved by this Collegium on 17-10-2023, has been pending with the Government. Therefore, the Collegium further resolved to recommend that the inter se seniority of the abovementioned Advocates be fixed as per the existing practice.

Judicial Officer recommended to be elevated as Judge

The Supreme Court Collegium has recommended the name of Ramkumar Choubey, Judicial Officer, for appointment as Judge of the High Court of Madhya Pradesh.

The Collegium noted that enquiries made by them with reliable sources, ascertained the suitability and competency of Ramkumar Choubey for elevation to the High Court. His service record showed that he has mostly been rated as a “Very Good/Excellent” officer. The Judgment Evaluation Committee constituted by the Chief Justice of Madhya Pradesh High Court has graded the quality of judgments authored by him as “Good/Excellent”.

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