Calcutta High Court allows live telecast and puja ceremony of Shri Ram Mandir inauguration at Kolkata’s Deshpran Sasmal Park

The Calcutta High Court restricted the number of participants to 60 and directed the police authorities to provide necessary assistance if required.

calcutta high court

Calcutta High Court: In an application praying for direction to allow live telecast and organization of the inauguration of Shri Ram Mandir, along with puja, in South Kolkata, a single-judge bench comprising of Jay Sengupta,* J., permitted the petitioner to hold the function at Deshpran Sasmal Park from 9 am to 6 pm on 22-01-2024, on roughly half of the park.

In the instant matter, the petitioner sought permission from the police authorities to organize the live telecast of the inauguration of Shri Ram Mandir, including puja, at 1/1A, Nepal Bhattacharjee Street, Kolkata-700026 on January 22, 2024, from 9 am to 9 pm. The State objected to the proposed venue, prompting the petitioner to notify municipal authorities of an alternative location at Deshpran Sasmal Park, 22-49 Rashbehari Avenue, Kolkata-700026. The petitioner decided to host the ceremony/function at Deshpran Sasmal Park, proposing a time frame from 9 am to 6 pm. The State expressed acceptance of the alternative venue but suggested concluding the function by 4 pm due to children’s activities in the park. The petitioner filed a present writ petition seeking direction to allow the event at Deshpran Sasmal Park.

The petitioner advocated for the event’s permission and specified the proposed activities. The State agreed to the alternative venue but requested the event’s conclusion by 4 pm due to children’s activities. The KMC suggested a time frame from 10 am to 2 pm for the event.

The Court, after considering the submissions, permitted the petitioner to hold the function at Deshpran Sasmal Park on 22-01-2024, from 9 am to 6 pm, occupying roughly half of the park. The number of participants was restricted to 60. The Police Authorities were directed to provide necessary assistance if required. The petitioner was also instructed to adhere to sound equipment usage norms and other applicable laws. After the event, the petitioner was obligated to clean the area for the resumption of normal activities. The writ petition was disposed of with the aforementioned observations and directives.

[Kalighat Bahumukhi Seva Samiti v. State of W.B., WPA 811 of 2024, order dated 18-01-2024]

*Judgment by Justice Jay Sengupta

Advocates who appeared in this case :

Mr. Tarunjyoti Tewari, Counsel for the Petitioner

Mr. Amitesh Banerjee Mr. Rudrajit Sarkar Mr. Suddhadev Adak, Counsel for the State

Mr. Alak Kumar Ghose Mr. Arijit Dey, Counsel for the KMC

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