Army Institute of Law | 5th Surana & Surana National Moot Court Competition

The Surana & Surana and Army Institute of Law National Family Law Moot Court Competition has been conceived with the aim to

Army Institute of Law

The Surana & Surana and Army Institute of Law National Family Law Moot Court

Competition has been conceived with the aim to

(i) Create awareness on Family Law in a systematic / scientific manner and train participants for effective practice

(ii) Facilitate the evolution of Family Law through the jurisprudential analysis of the existing law and consequential emergence of new laws besides developing cutting edge skills in research, writing and advocacy.


The 5th Surana & Surana and Army Institute of Law National Family Law Moot Court Competition shall be held from 15th March — 17th March 2024 virtually (Online).The competition shall be in the English language.


The competition is open for students who are pursuing LLB three year / five year course during the current academic year.


a. Each team should consist of a minimum of 2 and maximum of 3 members. This number cannot be modified under any circumstances.

b. There shall be 2 speakers and 1 researcher designated for each team. The researcher shall be allowed to argue with prior permission of the court and National Administrator in case of illness of the designated speakers.

c. Each team will be provided a team code prior to the submission of memorials via e-mail. This team code is only for the memorials. Teams should not disclose the identity of their institution in their memorials; such disclosure shall invite penalties including disqualification. The decision for the same shall be at the discretion of the National Administrator.


a. Online registrations are open from 20th January, 2024. The teams must register online by 17th Feb 2024. Teams will have to register online at

b. No temporary registration requests will be entertained. Kindly refrain from sending such requests to Surana & Surana or Army Institute of Law (AIL).

c. Participants will receive an automated system generated acknowledgement on successful submission of registration. Participants will receive an approval as acceptance of their request for participation by 18th Feb 2024 or earlier.

d. Registration Process

Option 1 – The Registration form cum Approval letter as provided in the rules duly signed & sealed by your university / college / moot society.

Option 2 – Upload both (i) & (ii) together as a single PDF

(i) The Registration form cum Approval letter (without seal & signature) as provided in the rules duly filled along with

(ii) Scanned copy of authorisation letter with sign and seal from your university / college / moot society


An email communication from the official id ( to be filled as notification email id during online registration process) of the institution, from your university / college / moot society to complete the registration process.


1. Signatories on the registration form should be any of the following :- Faculty-in-charge of MCA / MCS / MCC, Registrar, Dean, Principal, Director, Chancellor or Vice-Chancellor.

2. Registration without the scanned copy of the approval letter / an email communication from the college/institution/university or duly attested registration form will not be valid.]

e. Soft copy of the registration and approval letter/ an email communication as a single PDF to be sent by email to: marked as 5th SURANA & SURANA AND ARMY INSTITUTE OF LAW NATIONAL FAMILY LAW MOOT COURT COMPETITION REGISTRATION as subject of the mail latest by 21th Feb 2024. The provisional team code shall be allotted to the registered teams by Host University soon after receiving of registration particulars.

f. On receiving the provisional team code from Moot Court Society of AIL you may proceed to pay the registration fees.

g. A registration fee of Rs. 2500/- is to be paid online by 21st Feb, 2024 at: Receipt of the online payment to be sent by email to: Fee once paid will not be refunded.


i. Winning team: Rs. 21000/-

ii. Runner up team: Rs. 18000/-

iii. Best Memorial: Rs. 12000/-

iv. Second Best Memorial Rs. 9000/-

v. Best Student Advocate: Rs. 6000/-

In addition to the above awards, plaques and certificates will be given to other categories of winners. All participants will be awarded participation certificates.

To know more click on 5th Surana-AIL National Family Law Moot Brochure and Invitation

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