Altus Disputatio is a riveting debate championship hosted annually by the National University of Advanced Legal Studies (NUALS) in Kochi, India. This one-of-a-kind debate follows the ingenious ‘Devil’s Cross’ format, crafted exclusively for Altus.
Each round begins with the opposition and proposition teams interpreting the given phrase and putting it forward onto the playing field, where it will be justified by the respective teams; and one of the interpretations will be supported by the inquisitor. After closely following the validity of reasoning on both sides, the judges determine which interpretation will form the central theme for the ensuing debate. The teams then marshal their arguments to fiercely debate the interpretation decided upon by the judges.
So, test the mettle of your mind, leaving not a question behind in this unique debate competition exclusive to our university! Watch and test yourself in this revolving game of wits and counters; a game allowing all its participants the opportunity to not only interpret but also put forward one’s ideas onto this metaphysical field of thought: an arena of rhetoric created by the contestants themselves!
Come forth, and fight! Fight to not only win but to refine your thoughts and ideas. Fight not just for paper, but to also challenge your ability to think against and contradict all that your opponent may spew, and grow your mind! Join us in the 11th edition of Altus Disputatio and hold your own against all the devils that dare oppose you!