Ministry of Power reduces maximum time limit for granting new connections and modifying existing connections

Separate connection can be provided by Distribution Licensee for charging of Electric Vehicles.

Electricity (Rights of Consumers) Rules 2020

On 22-2-2024, the Ministry of Power notified the Electricity (Rights of Consumers) Amendment Rules, 2024 to amend the Electricity (Rights of Consumers) Rules, 2020. The provisions came into force on 22-2-2024.

Key Points:

  1. Definitions of the following have been inserted:

    • Owner: means a person, or the legal heirs, who have absolute right over the property.

    • Resident Welfare Association: means an association comprising all the property owners within a Co-operative Group Housing Society, Multi storied Building, Residential Colony, or a similar body registered with the State Government.

  2. Rule 4 relating to “Release of new connection and modification in existing connection” has been revised.

    Earlier, sub-rule (11) specified that the maximum time within which new connections and modification in an existing connection was to be provided by the distribution licensee, which was fixed by the Commission, after the applications were submitted and completed in all respects, for:

    • Metro cities- not exceeding 7 days;

    • Municipal areas- not exceeding 15 days;

    • Rural areas- not exceeding 30 days.

    Now, the maximum time for granting new connections and modification in existing connection has been reduced:

    • Metropolitan areas- not exceeding 3 days;

    • Municipal areas- not exceeding 7 days;

    • Rural areas- not exceeding 15 days.

    • Rural areas of States and Union Territories having hilly terrain- not exceeding 30 days.

    The provision regarding rural areas of States and Union Territories having hilly terrain has been inserted vide this amendment.

  3. A new sub-rule 14 has been inserted under Rule 4 relating to release of new connection and modification of existing connection within the area covered under an Association has been discussed:

    • Distribution licensee, by conducting a transparent ballot will determine the choice of the majority of the house/ flat owners, and accordingly will provide either a single point connection for Association or individual connections for each owner. In case more than 50% owners opt for individual connection, distribution licensee will have to provide it.

    • Metering, Billing and Collection will be done separately:

      ✓ individual electricity consumption sourced from the distribution licensee;

      ✓ individual consumption of backup power supplied by the Association;

      ✓ electricity consumption for common area of such Association sourced from the distribution licensee.

    • In the case of single point connection:

      ✓ Association will be responsible for metering, billing and collection for individual connections.

      ✓ charges deducted through pre-payment meters or bills raised by the Association for individual electricity consumption will be on no-profit-no-loss basis.

      ✓ Licensee’s tariff will not exceed the average billing rate for low tension domestic category.

      ✓ Total billing done by Association should not exceed the overall tariff paid to the distribution licensee.

      ✓ an additional amount as prescribed by the Appropriate Commission may be charged towards the sub-distribution network cost incurred for providing electricity up to the premises of the individual consumer.

    • A separate connection for supply of electricity can be provided by the Licensee for Electric Vehicle charging system.

  4. Rule 5 relating to “Metering” has been revised.

  5. On receipt of any complaint regarding meter reading not being commensurate with his consumption of electricity, stoppage of meter, damage to the seal, burning or damage of the meter, the testing of meters is supposed to be done within 30 days from the receipt of complaint.

    In case where the meter reading is not commensurate with his consumption of energy, an additional meter will be installed within 5 days from the receipt of complaint to verify the consumption, for a minimum period of 3 months.

  6. Rule 11 relating to “Consumer as prosumer” has been revised.

    Earlier, the time period for completing technical feasibility study was supposed not to exceed 20 days.

    Now, the sub-rule (7) specifically talks about installation of roof top solar photo voltaic system. The technical feasibility study should be completed within 15 days and the outcome of the study shall be intimated to the applicant, failing which it shall be presumed that the proposal is technically feasible.

One comment

  • The Ministry of Power’s move to reduce the time limits for granting new electricity connections and modifying existing ones is a welcome step toward improving consumer satisfaction. For Gepco customers, this could mean faster service and more streamlined processes. Additionally, Gepco customers can conveniently monitor their electricity usage and bills through the Gepco bill online system, ensuring transparency in their electricity management. For more insights and easy bill tracking, visit Gepco Bill Online.”

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