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RGNUL CASH National Essay Writing Competition on International Criminal Law [Submit by April 30, 2024]

International Criminal Law


The Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law (RGNUL), Punjab was established by the State Legislature of Punjab by passing the Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab Act, 2006 (Punjab Act No. 12 of 2006). The Act incorporated a law university of national stature in Punjab, thereby fulfilling the need for a Centre of Excellence in legal education in the modern era of globalisation and liberalisation. The University acquired the approval of the Bar Council of India (BCI) in July 2006.


The Centre for Advanced Studies in International Humanitarian Law (CASH) is one of the flagship centres of Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab. The Centre aims to further its objective of bridging the gap between the theory and practice of humanitarian law. It is established to facilitate research and discourse in the various facets of international humanitarian law by analysing current policy approaches in tackling contemporary global issues. It further streamlines the process of learning through academic courses, programs, and publications.

The Centre follows a multi-disciplinary approach to identifying problems in international humanitarian law and endeavours to engage in dialogue to facilitate change. Therefore, it helps ensure that future leaders and policy-makers understand the practical relevance of the subject of IHL and have a thorough knowledge of its basic principles and frameworks.


Over the past decade, the relevance of international criminal law has grown significantly in India, presenting unique avenues for legal discourse in the 21st century. This competition provides students with the platform to delve into and dissect emerging issues within the realm of international criminal law.

In particular, it aims to:

  • Offer a stage for law students to demonstrate their research and writing prowess.

  • Foster research and critical legal analysis of modern legal dilemmas concerning international criminal law and the global criminal justice system.

  • Enhance comprehension of the international institutional frameworks underpinning international law.

  • Cultivate analytical acumen in addressing legal and political challenges within the international criminal justice system.

  • Promote more effective implementations of international mechanisms by inspiring students to engage in empirical research within the field of international criminal justice.

  • Encourage interdisciplinary exploration by inviting contributions that integrate insights from related fields such as human rights law and transitional justice.


International Criminal Law: Contemporary Challenges for the International Criminal Court

The International Criminal Court (ICC) serves as the court of last resort, tasked with investigating and prosecuting the gravest of offenses: genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and aggression. Yet, its noble mission is besieged by numerous hurdles, including institutional limitations and wavering state cooperation. Furthermore, as the boundaries of international law continue to evolve, new forms of crimes are emerging, offering ample opportunity for innovative research and analysis.


Eligibility Details

  • The competition is open to undergraduate and postgraduate students of law. Co-authorship is permitted up to two authors.

  • All essays shall be checked for plagiarism and must have a similarity rate of no more than 10%.

Style Guidelines

  • The essays shall be between 3,000-5,000 words.

  • The main body of the essay must be in Times New Roman, font size 12 with line spacing set at 1.5.

  • The footnotes must be in Times New Roman, font size 10 with line spacing set at 1.

  • All footnotes must follow the Oxford University Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA) (4th ed.).

Deadline, Payment, and Registration Fees

  • All essays must be submitted along with registration fees paid by 30 April 2024.

  • The registration fee for individual authors, as well as for coauthors collectively, is Rs 500 (exclusive of GST).

  • Submission Link

  • Payment Link


Participation: Those participants fulfilling the eligibility requirements and style guidelines will be awarded a certificate of participation.

Selected Essays: Selected essays will be published in an ISBN-serialised book by the Centre for Advanced Study in International Humanitarian Law, Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab.

Cash Prizes: The top three selected essays shall be awarded cash prizes in the following composition

First Prize: Rs 7,000/-

Second Prize: Rs 5,000/-

Third Prize: Rs 3,000/-


Queries on the Competition, including thematic and submissionrelated questions, should be directed to

For additional queries, please direct them to:

Aditi Sadhu (+91 91481 71119)

Shagnik Mukherjea (+91 99620 79033)

To know more click on ICL Essay Brochure

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