After phenomenal success of SCL- India’s Biennial Conference in 2017, 2019, 2021, 2023. SCL-India is organising One day International Conference on Construction Arbitration, in collaboration with SCL-Mumbai, a regional chapter of SCL-India. In recently concluded 4th Biennial conference in New Delhi during December 2023, SCL India hosted more than 50 speakers, including, three sitting foreign judges, namely, Mr. Alexander Nissen KC, Judge, High Court (TCC-UK), Mr. Justice Philip Jeyaretnam, President, Singapore International Commercial Court and Mr. Doug Jones, International Judge, Singapore International Commercial Court.
Hon’ble Mr. Justice Manish Pitale, Judge, Hon’ble Bombay High Court will be the Chief Guest and Hon’ble Mr. Justice Kamal Khata, Judge, Hon’ble Bombay High Court will be the Guest of Honour at the Conference in Mumbai on 4 May 2024. The conference in Mumbai aims to host 200 delegates and over 25 eminent speakers of international repute, from important jurisdictions around of the world, including United Kingdom, Singapore, Hong Kong, United Arab Emirates, Malaysia.
The Chairman of SCL-India and Senior Advocate, Mr. Ratan K. Singh is delighted to welcome all delegates and speakers to the conference in the financial capital of India, Mumbai.
Date: 4th May 2024
Location: Four Seasons, Mumbai
Registration Fees: delegates – Rs. 1500
Register here:
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