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[SCBA Elections] Supreme Court allows Election Committee to count votes on 16-05-2024 instead of 18-05-2024 as directed in previous order

SCBA Elections

Supreme Court: In the matter concerning the Supreme Court Bar Association (‘SCBA’) elections, the division bench of Surya Kant and K.V. Viswanathan, JJ. has allowed the Election Committee to count votes on 16-05-2024. The result is to be declared on 19-05-2024.

The Court noted that the Members of the Election Committee have suggested deleting the first line of Clause (v) of paragraph No.8 of the order dated 02-05-2024. Under this clause, the Court has directed that the counting of votes to be commence on 18-05-2024, and the result to be declared on 19-05-2024.

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2024 SCC OnLine SC 960

Appellants :
Supreme Court Bar Association

Respondents :
BD Kaushik

Advocates who appeared in this case

Jaideep Gupta, Sr.Adv.. Rana Mukhjerjee, Sr.Adv. , Kumud Lata Das, AOR, Parmanand Pandey, AOR, Milind Kumar, AOR, Shivaji M. Jadhav, AOR, Yugandhara Pawar Jha, AOR, Dinesh Kumar Garg, AOR


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