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Technical glitches force cancellation of Practice Paper I of Supreme Court’s AoR Exam; Candidates to rewrite paper in offline mode

Online AOR Exam

On 10-06-2024, the candidates appearing for AoR exam through online mode reported technical glitches in the system. The Supreme Court Advocate on Record Association (‘SCAORA’) received complaints from various aspirants out of around 120 advocates sitting in the first-ever computer-based test for AOR Examination 2024 held on 10-06-2024 for ‘Practice and Procedure’, that the system of online examination had crashed, and many aspirants were not able to write a single word whereas some aspirants wrote for 2.5 hours and then the systems crashed. Owing to the technical glitches, Supreme Court Registry has issued notice cancelling Paper-I (Practice and Procedure of the Supreme Court) of the Advocates-on-Record (AoR) Examination.

In its letter dated 10-06-2024 to the Secretary General, Supreme Court, SCAORA expressed deep concern with the system failure which has severely impacted the aspirants and caused immense trauma. It is also mentioned that the grievance of many aspirants was that their examination had not even started, whereas the examination of aspirants who opted for pen and paper mode had started and competed as per schedule and they have gone home to prepare for the next examination.

Therefore, the Supreme Court Registry has issued the following notice in view of technical glitches faced by aspirants:

  • Paper-I (Practice and Procedure of the Supreme Court) of the Advocates-on-Record (AoR) Examination held on 10 June 2024 stands cancelled in view of the technical glitches experienced by candidates appearing for computer-based examination at the examination centre (Guru Hargobind Institute of Management & Information Technology);

  • A date for conducting a fresh examination for Paper-I (Practice and Procedure of the Supreme Court) will be notified in due course;

  • All candidates who have registered for the AoR Examination currently under process (including those who had opted for a computer-based examination) will have to appear for the papers scheduled on 11, 14 and 15 June 2024 in the pen and paper mode only;

  • Considering the interest of the candidates, the duration of the examination papers scheduled on 11, 14 and 15 June 2024 has been increased by one hour;

  • The examination for the papers scheduled on 11, 14 and 15 June 2024 will be conducted between 11am and 3pm for all candidates; and The venue for all the remaining papers will be the Judges’ Library on the ground floor of the Additional Building Complex of the Supreme Court of India.

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