Same- Sex Marriages | Senate of Thailand approves Bill seeking to recognize Marriage Equality

Thailand has moved a step closer towards becoming the First country in Southeast Asia to recognise marriage equality and Third country in Asia, after Taiwan and Nepal, to allow same-sex marriages.

same sex marriage thailand legal

Senate of Thailand: In a historic moment coinciding with the ongoing Pride Month, the Thai Senate on 18-06-2024 passed the final reading of the Marriage Equality Law, thereby paving the way for Thailand to become the first country in Southeast Asia to recognise same-sex marriages.

The Bill passed its final reading with the approval of 130 out of 152 members of the Senate in attendance, with 4 voting against it and 18 abstaining.

The Bill now requires endorsement of the King Maha Vajiralongkorn, and after receiving such approval the Bill will come into force as a law after 120 days (4 months) of its publication in the Royal Gazette.

The Bill aims to provide full legal, financial and medical rights for marriage partners of any gender. Furthermore, the Bill uses gender-neutral terms such as “spouse” and “person”. As per the new Bill, couples will have equal access to marriage and the same rights in areas including child adoption, healthcare consent, and inheritance.

With the Senate approving the Bill, Thailand has moved a step closer to become the First country in Southeast Asia to recognise marriage equality and Third country in Asia, after Taiwan and Nepal, to allow same-sex marriages.

Source: Press

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