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Christ University | National Blog Writing Competition on ADR and Arbitration Law

National Blog Writing Competition

School of Law, CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Bangalore is hosting the first edition of the National Blog Writing Competition on ADR and Arbitration Law, in collaboration with the Centre for Online Resolution of Disputes (CORD) and The Competition & Commercial Law Review (TCCLR).

The indicative themes for the competition are :

  1. The Recording of Evidence, The Good The Bad And The Ugly of Oral Testimony in International Commercial Arbitration

  2. The Race For A Primary Institution For Arbitration In India: What Makes A Global Arbitration Hub?

  3. Technology In Arbitration, Defining The Limits Of AI Inclusion In International Commercial Arbitration

  4. Meditation 2024: The Rise of Commercial Mediation In India

  5. Public Policy, Arbitrator Bias and Beyond: Impediments to Enforcement of Awards in India

  6. An International Arbitration Act or A Specific Arbitration Bench: The Route Towards an Arbitration- Friendly India

    The Top 3 entries will be published in The Competition & Commercial Law Review (TCCLR) Blog, and the Author(s) of these entries will also receive internship opportunities from CORD

    Additionally, the cash prizes are as follows:

    • Winners: Cash Prize of Rs. 7,000 and internships at CORD

    • Second Prize: Cash Prize of Rs. 5,000 and internships at CORD

    • Third Prize: Cash Prize of Rs. 3,000 and internships at CORD

  7. additional entries (depending upon the number of entries) shall be chosen as Honourable Mentions and shall receive Certificate of Merit.

Important Details:

Registration Fees:

Single Author: Rs. 150/-; 2 Co-Authors: Rs. 300/-.

Word limit: 1200 -1500 words.

Formatting guidelines for the main body of the blog: Times New Roman, font size 12, line spacing 1.5, and justified alignment. Sources must be hyperlinked, footnotes and endnotes are strictly prohibited.

Deadline: 2nd August, 2024 11:59 PM (Friday). The results will be announced by the last week of August, 2024.

Submission Form:

Submissions will only be accepted via google form.

For additional information, please refer to the brochure attached below.

For any other queries, please reach out to

Akshith Sainarayan: (+91 7022544020), or

Prateek Ayyappan: (+91 9108172487).

Coordinators of the 2nd Bangalore Dispute Resolution Conclave:

Abhishek Vishwanath;

Akshith Sainarayan;

Bhargav Gowda M R;

Kaushik Subramanya;

Prateek Ayyappan;

Tharun Pranav;

Vijay Vidyavastu

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