Madhya Pradesh High Court: In an election petition filed by the petitioner, a Congress candidate challenging the election of BJP candidate who emerged victorious in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections for the Khandwa constituency, alleging that he suppressed material information in his affidavit, a single judge bench of Vivek Jain, J., issued notices to the respondents.
In the instant matter, the respondent, BJP candidate Gyaneshwar Patil, emerged victorious in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections for the Khandwa constituency. The petitioner Congress candidate Narendra Patel filed an election petition alleging that the petitioner suppressed material information in his affidavit and also alleged the commission of loan default and non-disclosure, professional misconduct, corrupt practices and improper acceptance and use of unfair means. The petitioner sought to declare the election of the respondent as null and void and in return, the petitioner be declared as elected from the Khandwa Lok Sabha Constituency.
The Court issued notices to the respondents, with procedural instructions for the payment of the process fee and a returnable notice period of four weeks. The Court scheduled the next hearing for 04-09-2024.
[Narendra Patel v. Gyaneshwar Patil, 2024 SCC OnLine MP 5067, Decided on 30-07-2024]
Advocates who appeared in this case :
Shri Abhay Pandey, Counsel for the Petitioner