On 02-08-2024, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (‘SEBI’) notified the SEBI (Mutual Funds) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2024 to amend the SEBI (Mutual funds) Regulations, 1996.
The provisions of sub-regulations I and II of Regulation 3 of these regulations (mentioned in points 1 and 2) will come into force on 02-11-2024 and sub-regulation III of Regulation 3 (mentioned in point 3) will come into force on 02-08-2025. However, the provisions of sub-regulations I and II of Regulation 3 shall come into force on 02-02-2025 for asset management companies of mutual funds that have assets under management less than rupees ten thousand crores.
Key Points:
By way of amendment, a new clause has been added to Regulation 2(1) for defining ‘market abuse’.
The 2024 Regulations have added the following three sub-regulations after sub-regulation (26) of Regulation 25 which lays down provisions for asset management company and its obligations:
The asset management company must set up an institutional mechanism for identification and deterrence of potential market abuse including front-running and fraudulent transactions in securities.
The CEO/Managing Director/such person having equivalent or analogous rank and the Chief Compliance Officer have been made responsible and accountable for the implementation of the institutional mechanism.
The asset management company must establish, implement, and maintain a documented whistle-blower policy.
By way of amendment in Clause 2 in Part B of the Fifth Schedule which provides for the channels, disclosures, and transparency of the communication of fund managers and dealers, a proviso has been added to sub-clause (b) which says that face to face communication including interactions which take place out of office may not be recorded.