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Call for Papers | RGNUL RSSR [Submit by 15th Sept, 2024]


RGNUL Social Sciences Review (RSSR) is a Half Yearly Peer Reviewed Journal of Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab, Patiala; carrying ISSN: 2582-1687; and RNI: PUNENG/2018/76036. Various Issues and Volumes of the RSSR have been published after receiving a remarkable response from academicians and professionals from worldwide.

The Call for Papers and Essentials for Submission

  1. The RSSR invites manuscripts (Research Papers; Articles; Case Studies; case Comments) for publication in the forthcoming issues. The acceptance shall be done on Rolling Basis and the intimation about Acceptance shall be sent to the Author/s in due time after submission, once the whole process of peer review is completed for each manuscript. However, the authors who intend to submit papers for the Publication Process of the following issue to be published, are being suggested to submit the manuscript/s on or before 15th September, 2024.

  2. All the authors are required to submit the Plagiarism Report of the Manuscript along with the document being submitted for publication process. The strict guidelines of UGC regarding same shall be applicable; the manuscript/s depicting ‘Similarity Index above Ten (10) percent’ shall Not Be considered for the publication process. Kindly make it sure that the similarity index of the manuscript is lesser than/ below Ten (10) percent.

  3. The authors are being suggested to follow the Blue Book Reference Style, which can be understood using the given link of the web page of the:

  4. The Submission mail must carry the following: (i) Name of the Author/s; (ii) Designation and postal Address; and (iii) Contact Number.

  5. The Manuscript must have (i) Abstract (not more than 500- 700 words); and (ii) Key Words (minimum six).

  6. The Topics of the Manuscripts must be wisely selected; those should hold prominent relavance in context of Society, Law and Legal Systems and Institutions; Cultural Rubrics; Environment; Criminology and Penology; Development (Economic, Social, Human); Health (Physical as well as Mental); Community Development; Justice Administration; Role of NGOs and other Organizations and Bodies working for Social Welfare or Developmental Goals; Gender Studies or any allied field/s. The submissions can be made by Social Scientists; Researchers as well as Students; Administrators; Judges and Lawyers; any other Professional/s from different fields of academics and occupation.

  7. For further reference, the given link (link for the RSSR on RGNUL’s Website), Punjab can be visited:

  8. For any details or queries, the Editor in Chief (RSSR) Dr. Jasleen Kewlani, may be contacted on the given email id or contact number:; 09501225855.

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