NBDSA directs News18 to takedown Dhirendra Shastri’s interview for promoting superstition & religious disharmony

“The broadcasters have the editorial freedom to invite any person as a guest in any of its programme(s) however, such freedom has to be exercised within the boundaries of the Code of Ethics & Broadcasting Standards and the Specific Guidelines for Anchors conducting programmes including debates.”

News18 Dhirendra Shastri interview

News Broadcasting & Digital Standards Authority (NBDSA): In a complaint against News18 India for airing a programme title “Baba Bageshwar Exclusive Interview” which allegedly violated the principles of self-regulation, which enjoins the broadcasters to refrain from advocating or encouraging superstition and occultism, the Chairperson Justice A.K. Sikri (Retired) directed the broadcaster to remove the video, if still available on the website of the channel, or YouTube, and remove all hyperlinks including access which should be confirmed to NBDSA in writing within seven days of the Order.

Allegations regarding violations

The complainant alleged that the broadcaster violated the fundamental principles that- “Broadcasters shall, in particular, ensure that they do not select news for the purpose of either promoting or hindering either side of any controversial public issue. News shall not be selected or designed to promote any particular belief, opinion or desires of any interest group.”

The complainant alleged that during the show, Dhirendra Krishna Shastri claimed that he could find missing animals and cure people using supernatural powers. He also gave examples of supernatural occurrences in Odisha and also claimed that he had predicted where diamonds were in Panna. Mr. Shastri stated that, he would convert the Republic of India, a secular country, into a Hindu nation and in order to live in India, it is mandatory to say “Sita Ram”. Further, he implied that Islam asks its followers to trap girls in “love jihad” and kill them.

Reply by the Broadcaster

The broadcaster, in their reply, submitted that the interview in question was a live discussion with Baba Bageshwar/ Dhirendra Krishna Shastri, and several questions were posed to him by the anchor. Since it was a live interview, Baba chose to answer the questions/ discussions by referring to his life and all such answers and statements were his own and made on his own in a live interview. Thus, the channel or the anchor neither verified nor supported such statements, and as such, the channel is not responsible for his statements.


In the instant case, after considering the complaint and giving due consideration to the arguments of the compliant and broadcaster and reviewing the footage of the broadcast, the NBDSA noted that the seer/ Mr. Shastri who was invited by the broadcaster made several claims during the broadcast, which promoted superstition. Furthermore, during the broadcast, several statements were made by him on Hindu Rashtra and religion, which were divisive in nature, such as that in order to live in India it would be mandatory to say “Sita Ram” and that Islam asked men to trap young Hindu girls in love jihad and then kill them.

Hence, this broadcast violated the specific guidelines relating to racial and religious harmony, supernatural, occultism, paranormal activities and spread superstition, occultism and blind belief.

The NBDSA observed that, “programmes which advance belief in superstition and tend to create disharmony between communities should not be countenanced and should not be broadcast.”

Therefore, NBDSA directed the broadcaster to remove the video, if still available on the website of the channel, or YouTube, and remove all hyperlinks including access along with a warning to the broadcaster and advised them against inviting persons whose views could be construed as promoting superstitious beliefs and practices.

[Indrajeet Ghorpade v. TV18 Broadcast Ltd., Complaint No. 132, decided on: 04-11-2024]

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