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Tap the untapped drains having gradient towards Adi Ganga River and releasing pollutants: NGT

National Green Tribunal

National Green Tribunal

National Green Tribunal: In an original application on suo motu cognizance of the News item dated 25-06-2024 titled “Adi Ganga Gomti Khud Boond Boond Pani ke Liye Tadap Rahi Logo Ne Poocha Abhi Machliya Mar Rahi Agai Kya Hoga”, Prakash Shrivastava, Chairperson, Justice Arun Kumar Tyagi, Judicial Member, Dr. A. Senthil Vel, Expert Member directed the authorities concerned to tap the untapped drains at the Bajrang Ghat as they have a gradient towards the river.

The Adi Ganga Gomit river flows through Jaunpur in Uttar Pradesh, the news piece mentioned that the river had dried up due to extreme heat resulting in 50-60 % of the river becoming waterless, and several dead fish emanating a foul smell in the area were noticed. It was alleged that the death of the fish was due to chemical pollution in the river as in front of the Hanuman Ghat is Sonar Mandi where silver is refined with acid chemicals which comes directly into the river through the deadly chemical drains, causing danger to the fishes.

The Tribunal on perusal of the replies filed by the Central Pollution Control Board (‘CPCB’) and Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board (‘UPPCB’) noted that they had constituted a joint team of CPCB, UPPCB and District administration Jaunpur to carry out the site visit for ascertainment and ground verification. The Joint Inspection Report revealed that the Joint Committee visited the site during the monsoon season when the water level of the river was high which drops significantly post-monsoon and remains low in the summer season, resulting in reduced flow. The Tribunal also noted that three drains having a gradient towards the river were found around the Hanuman Ghat out of which one was tapped and diverted to 30 MLD STP at Pachahatiya and two were found to be untapped.

Regarding the water quality, the Tribunal noted that the colour and BOD of Bajrang Ghat Drain 1 was found to be higher than the prescribed norms while Bajrang Ghat Drain 2 was higher in BOD only. The tapped and diverted drains at Hanuman Ghat were found to have higher SS than other drains. The report also stated that chromium, copper, lead and nickel were not detected in any of the drains and Cadmium, zinc and iron were also not detected in drain 1 and drain 2 respectively.

The Tribunal said that the Committee visited during the monsoon when the river had high flow, whereas the news item was dated 25-06-2024 which was pre-monsoon when the river probably had significantly low flow. However, having regard to the fact disclosed in the report/replies we are of the view that the two untapped drains i.e. Bajrang Ghat drain 1 and Bajrang Ghat drain 2 having a gradient towards the river are required to be tapped at the earliest.

[News item appearing in News18 dated 25.06.2024 titled Adi Ganga Gomti Khud Boond Boond Pani ke Liye Tadap Rahi Logo Ne Poocha Abhi Machliya Mar Rahi Agai Kya Hoga, 2024 SCC OnLine NGT 2270, decided on: 08-11-2024]

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