Gujarat High Court: In a special civil application by a candidate who was disqualified from being selected as a Constable for having a tattoo on his right arm/ saluting arm, Nirzar Desai, J. granted interim relief to the petitioner considering that he had removed the tattoo even before the recruitment process commenced and that getting a scar from removal process was not under his control.
The petitioner had a tattoo on his right arm before the recruitment process started for the post of constable. As per the rules of recruitment, such tattoos are not permitted on the saluting arm, hence, the petitioner got that tattoo removed. However, even after the removal of the Tattoo, scars remained on his body, which was considered grounds for disqualification of the petitioner.
The Court noted that the petitioner successfully cleared the examination and was placed on the merit list.
Considering that the petitioner had already taken the corrective measures and even before the appointment order could be issued, he got his tattoo removed, hence, the Court granted him interim relief.
The Court stated that whether the scar would last on the body or not is something which would not be under the control of the petitioner, hence, the Court took into consideration his intentions.
The matter has been further listed for 10-02-2025.
[Damor Kishor Kumar Naranbhai v. Staff Selection Commission, 2024 SCC OnLine Guj 4225, decided on: 17-12-2024]
Advocates who appeared in this case :
For the Petitioner: Adv. Harsh K Raval
For the Respondent: Adv. Harsheel D Shukla