On 6-1-2025, the Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change notified the Environment Protection (End-of-Life Vehicles) Rules, 2025 to encourage recycling and reuse of vehicle components and materials to reduce the demand for new raw material. The provisions will come into force on 1-4-2025.
Key Points:
Rules apply to:
the producer, registered owner of vehicles, bulk consumers, Registered Vehicle Scrapping Facility, collection centres, automated testing stations and entities involved in testing of vehicles, handling, processing and scrapping of End-of-Life vehicles, but will not apply to:
waste batteries covered under the Battery Waste Management Rules, 2022;
plastic packaging as covered under the Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016;
waste tyres and used oil as covered under Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2016;
E-waste as covered under E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2022.
all types of vehicles including an electric vehicle, battery operated vehicle, e-rikshaw or e-cart, but will not apply to:
agricultural tractor;
agricultural trailer;
combine harvester; and
power tiller.
Responsibilities of producer:
fulfil the obligation of Extended Producer Responsibility (‘EPR’) for the vehicles that the producer has introduced or introduces in the domestic market;
meet the scrapping targets of End-of-Life vehicles;
take necessary measures to encourage End-of-Life vehicles are deposited at the Registered Vehicle Scrapping Facility (‘RVSF’) or designated Collection Centres;
declare its EPR obligations for the current year by 30th April of the same year to the Central Board;
take measures for sustainable production of vehicles including in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Board;
take measures to comply with the provisions of AIS-129, as published by the Central Government under Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989.
Responsibilities of registered owner and bulk consumer:
ensure that the vehicle is tested in accordance with the Section 56 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 and Rule 52 of the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989;
deposit the End-of-Life vehicle at any of the producer’s designated sales outlet or designated Collection Centre or RVSF within a period of 180 days from the date the vehicle becomes the End-of-Life vehicle.
The End-of-Life vehicle cannot be kept beyond 180 days from the date it becomes End-of-Life vehicle.
Responsibilities of Collection Centre:
It has to collect and store End-to-Life vehicles and send them to RVSF.
maintain the records of the End-of-Life vehicle;
handle the End-of-Life Vehicles in an environmentally sound manner.
Responsibilities of RVSF:
Safe storage of various categories of wastes in separate bins;
Recycling and refurbishment of materials;
Send End-of-Life vehicles for scrapping and carry out treatment/ depolluting/ dismantling/ segregation;
Send recovered and segregated materials to registered recyclers for reuse of components/ materials;
Send all non-recyclable material to Common Hazard Waste Treatment, Storage and Disposable Facility;
Exchange the EPR certificates upon processing of every End-of Life vehicle based on the quantity of steel;
EPR certificate:
Central Board will issue the certificate through centralized online portal in Favour of RVSF.
A Producer can purchase EPR certificate limited to its EPR obligation of current year plus any leftover obligation of preceding years.
An EPR certificate purchased by the producer is not transferrable to any other producer. An EPR certificate generated by the RVSF shall be valid for a period of 5 years for meeting the obligations of producer under these rules.
The registration applications will be made in:
Producer will make an application in Form 4 to the Central Board.
Registered Vehicle Scrapping Facility and bulk consumer will make an application in Form 5 and Form 6 to the State Board.
Central Board/ State Board will issue a certificate of registration in Form 7 and Form 8 within 15 from the receipt of application.