Bombay High Court: On 13-01-2025, the Bombay High Court in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 16(2) of the Advocates Act, 1961 and in accordance with the Rules framed by the High Court designated the following advocates as Senior Advocates, with effect from 13-01-2025:
Rajiolochan Bhalchandra Puranik
Prakash D. Shah
Vijay Dinkarrao Patil
Sunip Kumar Sen
Satish Laxmanrao Maneshinde
Nandkumar Bhagwanrao Khandare
Dinesh Sharad Purandare
Sudesh Manohar Usgaonkar
Sanjeev Prataprao Kadam
Deepa Prashant Chawan
Manjari Dhanesh Shah
Pranav Pradyumna Badheka
Kirtidev Girish Munshi