Tamil Nadu: The Government of Tamil Nadu opened a portal for submission of suggestions regarding State Amendments to the new Criminal Laws namely the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, 2023, the Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita, 2023, and the Bharatiya Sakshya Adhiniyam, 2023 by all stakeholders.
For the review of these suggestions the Home Department had constituted a One-Man Committee (‘the Committee’) vide government order dated 30-07-2024. The Committee would be chaired by Justice M. Sathyanarayanan, retired Judge of Madras High Court.
The Committee was constituted to study the new criminal laws and make recommendations according to the following “Terms of Reference”:
To suggest the change of nomenclature of the three new Criminal laws at the State level, as the same are in Sanskrit;
To suggest State amendments to these new criminal laws after considering the views of all stakeholders.
Accordingly, these recommendations would be submitted to the Government after considering the views/suggestions of stakeholders.
Bail is a rule and jail is expception should be followed invairiably
Dont give too much importance to complaints under posco unless pre separte female officer investigation. Accuse must get his right as an ord.citizen till conviction. Posco cases age 16 to 18 are not register and avoid varous cases lingering in all courts. We go to foregin culture,but not suit to us. Pakistan govt still follow marriage 16 to 18. We dismiss but have to restore. How do suggest minority age whether bilogical mental or social. Custody death exgriata to be given 20 lakhs to kins. Redlights area should be given license to do job at par with singapure. Scope of compunding offence to extend in all offences. Blood money , settlement with accused by complaint person be accepted and cases to drop.etc .compensation to be given by govt. If accused discharged from the offence under bnss. Money should be recovered from investigation officer. Govt should take care of family of accused till conviction. Stigma on family is very danger than death. Domestic violence cases to remove. Sc st atrocity cases to remove.minority not to protect on caste community rights.to avoid bogus cases.