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Call for Papers | NUALS-CPSLR-CSR Article Writing Competition | NUALS CSR’25



The NUALS Constitutional Studies Review was founded in 2019 under the aegis of the Centre for Parliamentary Studies and Law Reforms, NUALS. It is a student-edited, double-blind, peer-reviewed law journal dedicated to publishing scholarship on constitutional law, comparative constitution, jurisprudence and the history and politics pertaining to constitutional law. The Journal was started with the idea of creating a specialized forum to initiate academic discussions on the study and review of the Constitutional and Statutory developments in India and around the world, through the broad contours of history, philosophy, politics, and law. Our goal is to create a space for legal scholarship in constitutional studies that is accessible to everyone, to promote original scholarship, and to spark conversations among the various stakeholders in the field.


The Centre for Parliamentary Studies and Law Reforms (CPSLR) under the National University of Advanced Legal Studies is an endeavour of the University to make legislation more effective for social transformation and to achieve social justice by equitable administration of law. The CPSLR adopts an inter-disciplinary approach to identify the inadequacies in legislation to suggest changes and to support the enactment of new laws to meet emerging challenges. As part of its efforts to familiarise the students of law with the fine nuances of various legislations, the Centre conducts periodic special lectures, seminars, workshops, conclaves, essay competitions, etc., and has come out with publications in the nature of books, blogs, and a newsletter.


The First NUALS-CPSLR-CSR Article Writing Competition is being conducted in an attempt to further the discourse on recent events relating to Constitutional and Statutory Law in India and around the world, providing a platform for law students to express their thoughts and perspectives relating to the same. Submitted entries will be evaluated on the basis of several factors, including but not limited to research, novelty, clarity, and the ability to convey legal concepts & ideas succinctly yet effectively.


The following themes are to be taken as broad areas to draw inspiration from:

  • Canonising AI and Algorithms: Assessing the Indian Constitution’s Accommodation of New- Age Rights

  • Intersectionality of Rights: Expanding Constitutional Protections

  • Parliamentary Procedure: Learnings from the Past Decade and Role in Rule-Making

  • Privacy vs Free Speech: A Double-Edged Shield

  • Religion and Judiciary: The Indian Experience

  • Speedy Trials: Strengthening Constitutional Safeguards

  • The Right to Dissent: Role and Challenges in India

  • Fiscal Freedom and Federalism: State-Centre Prerogatives


  1. The Competition is open to all. Co-authorship (of a maximum of two authors) is permitted. The authors are recommended to narrow down the themes by opting for specific aspects of the same in order to better focus on a more novel analysis along with five keywords.

  2. The competition does not require a registration fee.

  3. Articles must consist of content that is original and otherwise unpublished. The submission of plagiarised content will be highly discouraged, and marked accordingly.

  4. The use of AI is permissible, provided the same is declared in the declaration page.


  • The Manuscripts shall be in the English Language.

  • The Manuscript is to contain the declaration as linked below as the first page of the document (declaration page).

  • Submissions are to be submitted in both the MS Word (.doc/.docx) and the Portable Document (.pdf) formats. Submissions must be uploaded to the submission form attached below.

  • Submissions shall not be less than 3000 words exclusive of the footnotes.

  • Submissions are to have an abstract of no more than 150 words, with five keywords.

  • The main body of the manuscript should be in Times New Roman, Font Size of 12, with 1.5 line spacing and justified alignment.

  • All Footnotes must conform to the 4th Edition of OSCOLA rules of citation and must be in Times New Roman font, with Font Size 10 and line spacing of 1.0.

  • The author(s) shall not reveal their name or the name of their institution anywhere in the manuscript or during submission except in the declaration page, maintaining strict anonymity throughout the process.

  • The copyright of all submissions shall vest with NUALS and the NUALS Constitutional Studies Review.


The last date for the submission is 12 March 2025, 11:59 P.M. To submit your piece, please click on the link here.

Please find the link for the declaration page, to serve as the cover page/first page of your submission here.

The results of the competition will be declared on 25 March 2025.


  1. The authors of the winning entries are entitled to a cash prize along with an e-certificate of merit to the tune of Rs. 5000/- for the Winners, Rs. 3000/- for the Runner Up and Rs. 2000/- for the Second Runner Up.

  2. The top 10 entries will be published on the CSR website.

  3. All participants shall be awarded with an e-certificate of participation.


You may reach out to us at, or contact the undersigned,

  • Gayathri Menon (Editor-in-Chief): +91 90613 45130

  • P. Shreyas Manu (Deputy Editor-in-Chief): +91 80741 87646

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