Consumer Protection — Consumer/Consumer Dispute/Locus Standi — Right to sue/Persons who may sue: Matter relating to maintainability of complaint by a Trust, in light of disagreement with ruling in Pratibha Pratisthan, (2017) 3 SCC 712, referred to larger Bench, [Tara Bai Desai Charitable Opthalmic Trust Hospital v. Supreme Elevators India (P) Ltd., (2025) 3 SCC 80]
Consumer Protection — Consumer/Consumer Dispute/Locus Standi — Transaction with State or its Instrumentalities/Governmental function — Administrative policy decisions pertaining to the rate of interest i.e. a statutory domain of Reserve Bank of India: A policy decision pertaining to the rate of interest, and trade practices carried out by the banks across the country, is a regulatory function within the specific statutory domain of Reserve Bank of India and cannot come under the purview of judicial scrutiny by the National Commission, [Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corpn. Ltd. v. Awaz, (2025) 3 SCC 52]
Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 — S. 125(4) — Disqualification relating to non-entitlement of wife to maintenance on her refusal to live with her husband without any sufficient reason: Mere passing of a decree for restitution of conjugal rights at the husband’s behest coupled with non-compliance with that decree by wife, held, would not by itself be sufficient to attract aforesaid disqualification under S. 125(4) CrPC, [Rina Kumari v. Dinesh Kumar Mahto, (2025) 3 SCC 33]
Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 — Ss. 437 and 439 — Bail applications filed by foreign nationals — Impleadment of Civil Authority or Registration Officer under the Foreigners Act, 1946: There is no need to implead them in bail applications filed by foreign nationals. There is no propriety in issuing a direction that either Civil Authority or Registration Officer should be made a party to a bail application filed by a foreigner or a notice of bail application be issued to said authorities, [Frank Vitus v. Narcotics Control Bureau, (2025) 3 SCC 1]
Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 — S. 168 — Compensation — Determination of income of deceased — Income tax returns: Tax returns can be accepted to determine income only if they are properly brought into evidence to enable Tribunal/Court to calculate income, [New India Assurance Co. Ltd. v. Sonigra Juhi Uttamchand, (2025) 3 SCC 23]
Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 — Ss. 166 to 168 — Permanent disability — Compensation — Award of: Process of considering factors while assessing amount of compensation in case of permanent disability and also process of ascertainment of effect of permanent disability on actual earning capacity of victim and pecuniary and non-pecuniary factors/heads of compensation therefor, explained, [Atul Tiwari v. Oriental Insurance Co. Ltd., (2025) 3 SCC 6]
Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 — Ss. 2(21), 3 and 10 (as amended by Amendment Act 54 of 1994): Operation of “transport vehicle” by a driver holding a licence for light motor vehicle (LMV) class i.e. under S. 10(2)(d) for vehicles with a gross vehicle weight under 7500 kg, without additional authorisation, permissible, when vehicle’s gross weight does not exceed 7500 kg, [Bajaj Alliance General Insurance Co. Ltd. v. Rambha Devi, (2025) 3 SCC 95]
Practice and Procedure — Abuse of Process of Court/Law/Fraud on Court — Denial of relief to unscrupulous litigant — Suppression of material fact: Person who does not come to Court with clean hands is not entitled to be heard on merits of his grievance, [Maxim India Integrated Circuit Design (P) Ltd. v. Andappa, (2025) 3 SCC 84]
Mile stone cases