hc revisional jurisdiction order relate back
Case BriefsSupreme Court

“Although the law allows for travelling back of the revisional order of the High Court, yet it is far from ideal to do so after the passage of a substantial period of time. The correct approach to be adopted in cases like this is that the High Court should direct the Trial Court to stay its proceedings till the revision proceedings in respect of Section 319, CrPC are disposed of.”

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road accident interim bail
Case BriefsSupreme Court

The accused person’s Creta car dashed against the scooty on which the deceased couple was travelling along with their daughter. Due of the impact, couple died on the spot and their daughter was seriously injured. After the death of couple, the injured daughter and two other minor children of the couple became orphan.

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section 106 evidence act
Case BriefsSupreme Court

The Court found that circumstances in the instant case constituted more than a prima facie case to enable the prosecution to invoke Section 106 of the Evidence Act and shift the burden on the accused husband to explain what had happened on the day & date his wife died.

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wife murder husband conviction
Case BriefsSupreme Court

The Court found that circumstances in the case constitute more than a prima facie case to enable the prosecution to invoke Section 106 of the Evidence Act and shift the burden on the accused husband to explain what had happened on the day & date his wife died.

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