outsourced employee experience marks
Case BriefsSupreme Court

“The true thrust of every selection process ought to be to find out and select suitable candidates, having experience in the related work and fulfilling other criteria, from among eligible candidates and to go ahead with appointing the more meritorious of those found suitable”.

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socialist secular 42nd constitutional amendment preamble
Case BriefsSupreme Court

The Court said that addition of ‘socialist’ and ‘secular’ to the Preamble have not restricted or impeded legislations or policies pursued by elected governments and the constitutional position remains unambiguous, negating the need for a detailed academic pronouncement.

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Karnataka High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

The Court pointed out that the guidelines 2024-25 expressly did not provide preference to the grandchildren of serving/retired employees. When such a preference was specifically not provided in the current guidelines governing the admission process, then such admission cannot be considered as per previous guidelines.

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royalty computation mechanism
Case BriefsSupreme Court

Even though the Court declined to declare Explanations to Rule 38 of MCR, 2016 and Rule 45(8)(a) of MCDR, 2017 as unconstitutional, it took strict note of the anomaly in the provisions vis-a-vis computation of royalty to be levied for the extraction or consumption of mined ores and gave the Respondents one last chance to resolve the issue.

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