madras high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

It is not necessary for a criminal trial to go on just to dabble with an incident involving sexual abuse without identifying an accused. If this is allowed, the victim will be embarrassed and vilified, and the so-called accused person will go scot-free, since he has not been identified by anyone in this case.

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earnest money
Case BriefsSupreme Court

Any dilution of the forfeiture provided under Rule 9(5) of SARFAESI Rules would result in entire auction process under SARFAESI Act being disregarded by mischievous auction purchasers through sham bids, thereby undermining the overall object of the Act of promoting financial stability, reducing NPAs and fostering a more efficient and streamlined mechanism for recovery of bad debts.

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madras high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

“The Revenue Authority is expected to exercise their powers within the ambit of the statutes, rules and the Government Orders in force. They are not expected to issue the certificates at their choice. The claim of the petitioner has not been supported by any statute or Government Orders”.

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contempt jurisdiction
Case BriefsSupreme Court

Supreme Court reiterated that in addition to punishing a contemnor for disobeying its orders, the Court can also ensure that such a contemnor does not continue to enjoy the benefits of his disobedience by merely suffering the punishment meted out to him.

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Supreme Court Roundup January 2024
Legal RoundUpSupreme Court Roundups

This roundup revisits the analyses of Supreme Court’s judgments/orders on Bilkis Bano Gang Rape case; Rules on post-retirement benefits; Second National Judicial Pay Commission; Accessible India Campaign; Right to claim Set-off in CIRP; and more. It also covers explainers on important law points; Never reported Judgments; Cases Reported in SCC Weekly in January; Know thy Judges; and appointment of new judges.

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madras high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

“The Hindus also have fundamental right to profess and practice their religion freely and propagate their religion without interfering in their way of practice. Therefore, the Hindus have right to maintain their temples as per their customs, practices and Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowment Department is having duty to protect the temples from such unwanted incidents”

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