section 106 evidence act
Case BriefsSupreme Court

The Court found that circumstances in the instant case constituted more than a prima facie case to enable the prosecution to invoke Section 106 of the Evidence Act and shift the burden on the accused husband to explain what had happened on the day & date his wife died.

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wife murder husband conviction
Case BriefsSupreme Court

The Court found that circumstances in the case constitute more than a prima facie case to enable the prosecution to invoke Section 106 of the Evidence Act and shift the burden on the accused husband to explain what had happened on the day & date his wife died.

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media caution publishing news
Case BriefsSupreme Court

“Given its vast reach, a single article or report can resonate with millions, shaping their beliefs and judgments, and it has the capability to cause severe damage to the reputation of those concerned, with consequences that may be far-reaching and enduring”.

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Maintenance in void marriage
Case BriefsSupreme Court

“Equitable considerations do apply when the Court considers the prayer for maintenance under Section 25. The reason is that Section 25 lays down that while considering the prayer for granting relief under Section 25, the conduct of the parties must be considered.”

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remit sentence
Case BriefsSupreme Court

“Appropriate Government has the power to incorporate suitable conditions in an order granting permanent remission. The conditions must not be oppressive or stringent that the convict is not able to take advantage of the order granting permanent remission. The conditions cannot be vague and should be capable of being performed”.

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Bail in UAPA
Case BriefsSupreme Court

“Delays are bad for the accused and extremely bad for the victims, for Indian society, and for the credibility of our justice system, which is valued. Judges are the masters of their Courtrooms and the Criminal Procedure Code provides many tools for the Judges to use in order to ensure that cases proceed efficiently.”

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Compassionate appointment
Case BriefsSupreme Court

“Judicial decisions abound that in deciding a claim for appointment on compassionate grounds, the financial situation of the deceased employee’s family must be assessed. In a situation otherwise, the purpose of the scheme may be undermined; without this evaluation, any dependent of an employee who dies while in service might claim a right to employment as if it is heritable.”

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SIT reinvestigation in suicide
Case BriefsSupreme Court

“Was there anything more sinister? Even if it was suicide what was the real cause? Was the deceased girl distraught with what happened to her friend? Considering the under-currents and the disapproval of the relationship, was there any instigation for the suicide from any other quarter?”

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