Case BriefsTribunals/Commissions/Regulatory Bodies

“After the insertion of Section 65B (54) in the Finance Act 1994, from 01-07-2012 onwards, the definition of ‘works contract’ was expanded to include repair and maintenance services of movable properties. Hence, the composite contracts for repair and maintenance of motor vehicles are leviable to service tax from said date.”

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securities appellate tribunal, mumbai
Case BriefsTribunals/Commissions/Regulatory Bodies

SAT Mumbai observed that it is not open to a shareholder to complain about the scheme of arrangement before the SEBI or to the Stock Exchange nor is it open to the shareholder to make a representation and /or file an appeal before this Tribunal under Section 15T of the SEBI Act.

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appellate tribunal for electricity
Case BriefsTribunals/Commissions/Regulatory Bodies

APTEL said that in accordance with the guidelines and the CERC Regulations, the Appropriate Commission, the trading margin shall be decided mutually by the SECI, the trading licensee and the WPPs and in turn by the distribution licensees.

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