IIAM ADR Conference

This conference entailed an in-depth discussion of the various modern-day topics in the field of Alternative Dispute Resolution such as the new amendment in the Arbitration Act, the upcoming Mediation Act, issues which plague the mechanisms, technological innovations and more.

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Third IBA India Symposium

Third IBA India Litigation and ADR Symposium 2024: From fringe to focal: India at the centre of international dispute resolution- a symposium presented by the IBA India Working Group of the IBA Asia Pacific Regional Forum and supported by the IBA Arbitration Committee

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Tushar Mehta SG at ICDR Conference

Diversity enriches the decision-making process, bringing varied expertise, experiences, and cultural understanding to the table. Gender and intergenerational diversity should be prioritised. This inclusivity strengthens credibility, enhances trust, and positions the institution as truly global, capable of handling complex, cross-border disputes efficiently and impartially.

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